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Massachusetts Residents: Health Insurance?

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    Massachusetts Residents: Health Insurance?

    Hello all, I could use some help from Massachusetts residents! My friend who has had MS since 2008 and I moved out here from NY in June of 09. He put off going to the doctors for months before I put boot to butt and made him go. He has gone a few times since for MS and other reasons (nothing life threatening) and has raked up 8 grand in bills from the hospitals and doctors.

    We both work for Walmart and that place is infamous for having horrible health insurance. I am a little naive on terminology and how it works but all I know is that my best friend pays money out of his paycheck, every paycheck, to have barely anything covered. And he can't NOT have insurance because of the MA law!

    I am just wondering if there are other MA residents out there who can suggest a good carrier and/or advice on how to deal with the bills that are piling up. I don't want him to not go and get help he needs because of money issues!

    Thanks in advance,


    I'm not sure I can be of help...I work in MA live in NH. I believe that you can get health insurance from the state of Mass, try googling Commoncare, or Commonweathcare, something like that. I'm not sure if your friend will qualify if his employer does offer insurance, but perhaps he can talk to someone in the system and see. I work for a large medical clinic that fortunately has excellent insurance. But perhaps the State of Mass will help your friend. I'll also try googling it myself and see what I come up with and will let you know the site if I find it! Good luck!!

    Diagnosis in process...Brain and spinal MRI negative...still with symptoms


      It's called

      Hope that helps!
      Diagnosis in process...Brain and spinal MRI negative...still with symptoms


        I live in Mass and it is called Masshealth. The monthly premium is based on an individual's income to make it affordable for all. Here in Mass we had the healthcare in place before the new Fed mandates.


