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InforMS Fall issue

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    InforMS Fall issue

    It's good to see the word "Remission," used in reference to MS, is now considered inaccurate...Ya think

    Some good information in this issue:
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic

    Hi Snoopy

    Thanks for the article. It was very interesting. (I put that site in my favorites for reading future issues!).

    I will have to re-read it, as it was alot of info.

    In your opinion, was the doctor implying that there is really one MS, but affects us differently as far as progression goes, based on the ability of the brain to heal itself?

    I'm wondering if he was including PPMS when he talks about inflammation. I was told at the Mellen Center that I never had inflammation, only cell degeneration.

    Or maybe he was just referring to RRMS and SPMS.

    Oh well, not that it matters but it does peak my interest.

    Such a confounding disease

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      Snoopy ,

      In the article, the neuro said that remission is inaccurate and MS is always active but it hides as the brain is rewiring and repairing itself. Ok, I get that.

      Then he says progressive disease comes about because the brain has used up its reserve and can no longer compensate or hide the persistent activity of the disease.

      So I'm wondering if that means that those of us with PPMS, our brains never had the ability to rewire and repair from the get go (still doesn't explain the lack of inflammation though).

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~

