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anyone experience this?

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    anyone experience this?

    I don't quite know how to describe it but it's as though someone hits me in the head with a blunt instrument. It doesn't hurt. But it's like my head suddenly goes bang! Not that there is any noise. Just a sensation of my head going bang like someone hit me from behind.
    Sometimes I get the bang and then my eyes shake or jump.
    Does anyone get this? Does anyone have any ideas what it is? I tried to tell the doctor but it's real hard to explain and you sound like your completely whack!
    If anyone has any idea what I'm talking about it would be so good to hear from you.

    Looks like I'm the only lonely WEIRDO!


      I haven't had that happen to me other than when my x used to hit me upside the head once in a while. It doesn't sound like it a very pleasant experience. I hope that maybe your neurologist can figure it out for you soon.


        That's a trip!

        I assume this isn't when you're falling asleep, right?

        You did say there wasn't a noise.

        Well, MS is a neurological thing - it's possible that you're experiencing seizure activity, or something similar. Definitely talk to your neurologist and see what they say - then come back and tell us!
        "Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it" - Michel de Montaigne
        Diagnosed May 2007, relapsing-remitting


          Similar maybe?

          I don't get the hit in the head part, but sometimes I feel like someone is pushing my head down.
          I don't know if that is the same as yours or not.

          I had have days where all a sudden I feel like someone was standing above me pushing my head down even though I wasn't moving.


            No I don't get it when I'm falling asleep but it's funny you mention that because this afternoon while trying to think what it felt like I kinda thought it was a bit like that falling sensation as you are falling asleep. I used to get it after my first symptoms cleared up during the six years reprieve I got. We were living in China (moved there and had another baby! what an experience!!!) and sometimes at night when I was relaxing (standing or walking around) I would get this sensation suddenly out of the blue.
            I think maybe I could describe it as like that sensation of falling when you are dropping off to sleep but more jarring and sudden and goes as fast as it comes. Lasts maybe two seconds at the most? As though my head were being hit or as though my head was suddenly dropped backwards a bit suddenly and roughly with that sudden falling feeling you get. It's really hard to describe.
            I'm unfortunately not seeing a neuro. ENT and neuros all washed their hands of me. My GP says she can't help as this is WAY out of her field of experience but apologised to me saying no one would see me. I'm just living with this crap right now and doing very well I might say!
            Amazing what you can cope with when you have no choice!
            I think basically I'm really waiting to see if something new happens.


              Originally posted by bluemanda View Post
              I don't get the hit in the head part, but sometimes I feel like someone is pushing my head down.
              I don't know if that is the same as yours or not.

              I had have days where all a sudden I feel like someone was standing above me pushing my head down even though I wasn't moving.
              I did have that when this second episode started two years ago. Had a feeling of pressure on top of my head all the time. It's gone now though.


                I know what your talking about. I had that feeling in the beginning of my seeing the neurologist a few years back.I called it my "getting hit with a pipe" feeling. I stopped getting that but now y hair follicles actually hurt, on the left side, where I have the scarring on the brain. Anyone have that happen?


                  Wow I'm sorry but I'm so happy to hear someone who knows what I'm talking about! Do you know what it is? Did you talk to your doc about it?
                  Things are a bit fuzzy in my memory but I seem to remember my hair hurting long time ago too.
                  I also had trouble brushing my teeth for a while as brushing my teeth and face hurt.


                    What a ride huh!

                    Originally posted by mentalasanything View Post
                    Wow I'm sorry but I'm so happy to hear someone who knows what I'm talking about! Do you know what it is? Did you talk to your doc about it?
                    Things are a bit fuzzy in my memory but I seem to remember my hair hurting long time ago too.
                    I also had trouble brushing my teeth for a while as brushing my teeth and face hurt.
                    I'm not sure if this is the same thing as you describe here, but weird all the same. I'll try to tell you what mine feels like. When my hair hurts and I get a tingling sensation on one side of my head, I get an occasional electrical outage jolt inside my head. I feels like someone held my head and did one quick and swift shake. So mine is not so much a feeling that someone hit me, it is more like my brain was jolted and hit the wall of my skull. I described it to my near as though someone unplugged my brain and when it was plugged back in it jolted to power up. It all happens in seconds. Not painful, just freaky. My neuro checked me over for stroke and said that I definitely did not have a stroke. He has no explanation but said it's possibly the demilination and should heal.

                    Sorry you are having issues with no professional to consult. I have correlated mine to a period of a flare up. I really wish for you to see a neuro to see what is going on.

                    I will be seeing my neuro in february to repeat my brain MRI to see if new lesions occured as a result of this crazy stuff.

                    Do you have other weird thing occurring when this event occurs?


                      trigeminal neuralgia and non-epileptic seizures/syncope

                      Do you have any other major or minor health problems? sometimes this can come in conjunction w/ another illness. you do need to find another neuro. a neuro is key in diagnosing any of these problems. I also changed GP at one pt. because the acted like it was all an attention getter and not real.It wasn't. Get the GP to send you for mri's of lumbar cervical and thoracic, with and without gadolineum as well as the same for the brain.



                        Originally posted by happy23 View Post
                        I'm not sure if this is the same thing as you describe here, but weird all the same. I'll try to tell you what mine feels like. When my hair hurts and I get a tingling sensation on one side of my head, I get an occasional electrical outage jolt inside my head. I feels like someone held my head and did one quick and swift shake. So mine is not so much a feeling that someone hit me, it is more like my brain was jolted and hit the wall of my skull. I described it to my near as though someone unplugged my brain and when it was plugged back in it jolted to power up. It all happens in seconds. Not painful, just freaky. My neuro checked me over for stroke and said that I definitely did not have a stroke. He has no explanation but said it's possibly the demilination and should heal.

                        Sorry you are having issues with no professional to consult. I have correlated mine to a period of a flare up. I really wish for you to see a neuro to see what is going on.

                        I will be seeing my neuro in february to repeat my brain MRI to see if new lesions occured as a result of this crazy stuff.

                        Do you have other weird thing occurring when this event occurs?
                        That's what it's like!
                        I haven't been able to explain it but yes it is like someone unplugs your brain and then plugs it in straight away. Almost like you're about to black out or fall down or something and then wham you're back again. Gives me a bit of a fright
                        The only other weird thing I sometimes get with it is my eyes shake (don't know that anyone can actually see it but my vision wobbles around and I feel like they're shaking) and sometimes there is a buzzing noise in my left ear.


                          Originally posted by angelize View Post
                          Do you have any other major or minor health problems? sometimes this can come in conjunction w/ another illness. you do need to find another neuro. a neuro is key in diagnosing any of these problems. I also changed GP at one pt. because the acted like it was all an attention getter and not real.It wasn't. Get the GP to send you for mri's of lumbar cervical and thoracic, with and without gadolineum as well as the same for the brain.
                          New Zealand is a small Country. I don't think we have as many neuros to choose from. Most of our good docs have left the country where they get better jobs and better pay - it's called the brain drain here! I cannot get an appointment to see a neuro without a referral from a GP. My GP has told me she cannot get anyone to see me. I have seen them and she said and I quote: "They have all washed their hands of you." I have spent a week in hospital, saw three neuros - all complete and utter @#$ of the highest order. If I could see one privately I expect I would get better treatment.
                          I managed after many weeks of hassling the GP to finally see an eye surgeon. I have had eye ops and glasses since I was four. He saw my left eye jiggling and diagnosed superior oblique myokymia which is a nerve that jumps basically in your eye muscles. But after three months I went back to him and explained that I had begun having tinnitus in my left eye when my eyes jiggle and that sometimes they were not jiggling in the same direction! I think this is opsoclonus. Asked him if SOM could affect my ear causing tinnitus. He said no this must be a brain stem problem and I needed to get an MRI. He said he thought it was SOM but must have been mistaken - bravo for him being humble enough to admit it! He said you need a brain doc.
                          I told him I'd had an MRI 6 months previous when it all started and that the MRI showed nothing. (ha ha yes it did show a brain I have got one) Told him they had washed their hands of me as he was only one who had ever seen evidence of what I was complaining about. He said he would pull some strings for me and ask some favours and get me a doc.
                          About 4 months later I got an E.N.T appointment. Seems the docs wouldn't even listen to him and best he could manage was an ENT for me. I had been to them already and my hearing was almost perfect. This time my left ear showed some slight hearing loss but I never saw the doc only the nurse who did the hearing test and said the doc would get back to me after seeing the results IF he wanted to see me!
                          Haven't heard a thing and that was about 9 months ago so assume he isn't interested in seeing me.
                          I lost my health insurance when we moved to live in China and when we came back three years later (only came back coz my hubby had a breakdown - he couldn't cope with stress there) i couldn't get any for problems that I'd already been experiencing and have no money for it anyway. Lost all our money in an investment company that went under during the financial crisis.
                          I would change GP's and try again only it costs money to change your GP and we are broke plus it might not make a difference anyway. If I thought it would make a difference I'd go private and try again with a neuro and find the money from someplace - beg borrow or steal. BUt I fear it would make no difference and all it would mean was spending more money I can't afford.
                          My symptoms have settled so that I can at least function and most people outside of my family don't know I'm sick. I can hide it quite well. But some days I just have to lie down. - get vertigo and if my jumping vision is bad enough it can make me feel ill too but mostly i find my stomach is not affected much these days as I've got so used to living with it for two years now.
                          AND I'm homeschooling my 9 year old and have a three year old so the docs are completely wrong - i am not a malingerer and I am not a wimp either!!!


                            Originally posted by angelize View Post
                            I know what your talking about. I had that feeling in the beginning of my seeing the neurologist a few years back.I called it my "getting hit with a pipe" feeling. I stopped getting that but now y hair follicles actually hurt, on the left side, where I have the scarring on the brain. Anyone have that happen?
                            Just prior to a relaps, I get sharp pains fleeting in my head lasting about 3 seconds at a time.

