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    I have many symptoms of ms but no lesions on my 2 year old brain MRI. Ruled our RA, MG, Diabetes, Thyroid, FibroMyalgia and Lyme. Have heavy weak legs that make me fall to one knee a lot. Can't hold up things very long. Eye muscles are weak causing double vision in the close range. I get a chill that shakes my arm, goes up my back through my neck and causes me to gasp at the same time. I also gasp while coughing a lot. My hands go numb from using them and Carpel Tunnel was ruled out by EMG. Hips and heels always hurt. I toe walk to the point that my shoes wear out at the toes in a matter of a couple months. My memory and multitasking skills are becoming worse, possibly due to my brain atrophy. I've had 2 doctors say they feel it is MS. My optometrist says that my eye weakness and the way my eyes track are similar to her MS patients. I ran into a brick wall when the MS specialist said that it is not MS, but just stress. I know it is not stress and I know that something is definitely wrong. I would appreciate any feedback as to what other conditions could cause the above issues.

    Hello k

    Must be very frustrating having to deal with so many symptoms, and no diagnosis.

    It sounds as if several diseases have already been ruled out. And your doctors suspect MS, all but the MS specialist

    I wonder why he won't have you get another MRI since it has been a couple years since your last one. Also, did you ever have an MRI of your spine?

    Have you ever had an LP done? Sometimes that can add a much needed piece to the puzzle, when the MRI is negative.

    Maybe you could get a second opinion. Doesn't seem like stress could cause all of the symptoms you have.

    Hopefully you will get some answers soon. Best wishes to you.

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~



      I've never had an LP, EP or spine MRI. The "specialist" I saw only examined me for a few minutes and then discarded me. I don't know what else can be causing all the symptoms besides MS. My family doctor doesn't know what else either. He says it is neurological. thanks for your input.


        Sorry you are going through all of this. You are not alone. You know your body better than anyone else. Don't allow anyone to tell you differently. Be your own advocate and go see another specialist. Go to, find your local chapter and call for doctors in your area. The MS society has a lot of useful information and are very friendly on the phone. I hope you get things figured out soon.

        JL {{{BIG HUGS}}}


          Thank you for your replies. Does anyone have any ideas what else besides ms can cause all these symptoms?

