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painful avonex injections

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    painful avonex injections

    So this is my 7th avonex injection ...ouch!! My first month (4 doses) i was just taking half of the medication in the injection and it really didn't hurt but since I have been taking the full needle - it hurts!
    Is it the amount of medication that is making it uncomfortable? or is the vile just heavier and i need to be more careful when injecting? when i inject my muscle gets almost tight and it feels like i am hitting a nerve and the medicine also feels awful going in. I do have the smaller needles and i take the medicine out of the frig ahead of time. I only inject in my thighs while sitting on a chair. I wonder if I dangle my leg or lay on the bed with it stretched out if that will help or possibly doing the injection on the side of the muscle? Any suggestions on how I can make it less painful? i am really starting to dread this!

    I've taken Avonex for over 2 years. Some weeks are painful (tonight was not great), some I don't feel a thing. I have found that when I drink lots and lots (about 2 liters) of water on injection day, then my injection doesn't hurt at all. Of course, I spend the day in the bathroom also!

    Hope this helps and that your injections get better!


      For me the key to no pain is to make sure the alcohol is dry, and that means several minutes, and injecting a very relaxed muscle.

      I find that my leg dangling over my bed keeps the thigh muscle very relaxed. I jiggle the area to be absolutely sure and change position if I am not getting alot of jiggle. I flatten the area to inject and go for it.

      When I push the plunger I do it super slow or else it hurts going in too fast.

      Sometimes my muscle will tense up and it will hurt. I have also withdrawn the needle and injected a second time if the spot is unusually painful.

      I take my shot out in the morning and don't inject until late afternoon. I also rotate doing tops of thighs and more to the outside of the thighs, so different areas.

      Hope some of my tips help, most of my injections aren't painful.


        I very rarely have any pain at all with my shots, as long as I wait for the alcohol to dry completely. I let them sit out for 30-45 minutes beforehand to warm up. Occasionally I may get an "odd" sensation of pulling or tugging, especially if the needle isn't straight in, but I usually just try to inject slowly without pulling on the needle from there.


          i am going to try dangling my leg over the bed instead of sitting on a chair. how do you inject on the side of the thigh? i find it hard enough to try to inject straight when i do it on the top of the muscle but i am thinking it just might not be the best spot for me to inject into. i am afraid to inject into the arm - it seems to be a big needle and alot of meds to inject into a such a small muscle.

          thanks everyone!


            Hi wookieland,
            I was on Avonex for 3 years and didn't find the injections painful except for the one I tried using my arm. I never wanted to do the arm again.

            Keeping your leg relaxed while you inject is important, I think.

            Injecting on the side of the thigh (to me) means injecting just a bit off center as you look at your thigh and see it divided in half, using the knee as your guideline. Hope this makes some sense.
            MEMBER OF MS WORLD SINCE 4/03.

            SPMS diagnosed 1980. Avonex 2002-2005. Copaxone 6/4/07-5/15/10. Glatiramer acetate 40 mg (= Copaxone) 2021- 3/16/24


              The leg dangling may cause some tension in the muscle. I have found that having the foot lightly rest on the floor works best for me. Never had a concern with the alcohol not being dry enough. I do ice the site for a few minutes before to deaden it to prevent the pin prick of the needle first going in.

              I take the shot, prefilled, out of the frig about 7-9 hours before, I do the shot Friday morning, couple of Naproxen and just go about my day.
              Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


                do you have someone that could inject in your lower back/upper butt? I have someone inject for me and I don't feel anything. Maybe because I have more fat in my butt? but I also drink a ridiculous amount of water the day of my shot.

                Good luck!
                No matter how bad things may be or however overwhelmed you feel, just remember to say to yourself that *This too shall pass*


                  I think that you can try the dangle, but like it was mentioned above some do better sitting, you will know which is going to work by check to see the area is very relaxed and no muscle tension. Just keep moving your leg position until you see that it is relaxed.

                  Like mentioned above the injections more to the side are really more off center, two or three inches to the side from center. A little harder to navigate, but you'll get the hang of it!


                    If you can get someone to help you, I'm going to do an arm shot friday. I had one 2 weeks ago and it was great. Just right down the center of my shoulder, straight in.


                      First arm shot I have ever heard was good.
                      Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


                        For what it's worth

                        I inject upper thigh and outer thigh, and have a family member inject arm and butt. This gives me 8 injection sites to rotate through which is important to me because of the tightness I feel exactly 3 days after my injection. I take my shot out 24 hours before injection. I do feel arm injections more than anywhere else.

                        To do outer thigh I follow the avonex instructions. I sit in a chair and rotate my knee in and my foot out. I inject in the middle third of the muscle as judged by a hands length away from hip and from knee as they recommend. I also try to rotate around "the clock" injecting in that area at 12:00, then the next time 3:00, then 6:00 and then 9:00. I figure if this is for a lifetime, the less times an area gets it the better???

                        I have not had any shot reactions, but I do have side effects....which as many have already said...hydration makes a world of difference!


                          Originally posted by Splendid View Post
                          I inject upper thigh and outer thigh, and have a family member inject arm and butt. This gives me 8 injection sites to rotate through which is important to me because of the tightness I feel exactly 3 days after my injection. I take my shot out 24 hours before injection. I do feel arm injections more than anywhere else.

                          To do outer thigh I follow the avonex instructions. I sit in a chair and rotate my knee in and my foot out. I inject in the middle third of the muscle as judged by a hands length away from hip and from knee as they recommend. I also try to rotate around "the clock" injecting in that area at 12:00, then the next time 3:00, then 6:00 and then 9:00. I figure if this is for a lifetime, the less times an area gets it the better???

                          I have not had any shot reactions, but I do have side effects....which as many have already said...hydration makes a world of difference!

                          Isn't that interesting. I inject on Friday and have no pain Sat or Sun. Come monday morining, my leg feels painful, so it's 3-4 days for me too.

                          Be sure to call the Avonex people and tell them. It gets tabulated by the FDA and the information gets spread out so that when the doctor says they've never heard of it, someone has.

                          I'm a bit scared to do it in the butt for fear of pain 3 days later, but I will let you all know how my second arm shot goes tomorrow. Truth is, it may be my technique that is making it fail.

                          I'll let you know how the experiments go - tomorrow, left arm shot given by wife.


                            i didn't know i could get a shot in the butt. i have always done my thighs, and arms (hate the arms, ouch). So, what area of the booty do i shot, any specific spot? Thanks.


                              Originally posted by Mrs. M. View Post
                              i didn't know i could get a shot in the butt. i have always done my thighs, and arms (hate the arms, ouch). So, what area of the booty do i shot, any specific spot? Thanks.
                              I do (well, my boyfriend does) in the upper butt. My nurse explained it that if you split each side of your butt into 3 equal sections going straight across, you inject in the upper section. It is right below your hip bone, you will be able to feel the muscle there. I have never tried anywhere else except for there, and I feel absolutely nothing. Maybe call your nurse and have them show you, I highly recommend the butt

                              good luck!!!!
                              No matter how bad things may be or however overwhelmed you feel, just remember to say to yourself that *This too shall pass*

