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I could crawl under a rock right now.

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    I could crawl under a rock right now.

    I woke up last night to pee, as usual, but as soon as I moved I lost control of my bladder and could not regain control. Late night control has been an issue but I never lost complete control like this. I, of course, ran for the bathroom and my husband who awoke in a puddle stripped the bed. He was very solicitous, wanting to know if I was all right. I was mortified and still am, I can't even look him in the eyes right now. I take 10mg. of Ditropan and I restrict fluid intake severely after 6 p.m. My husband refuses to research MS, he says he is just going to take it as it comes. I just was to crawl under a rock.

    There is no reason to crawl under a rock, stuff happens.
    It is totally random as to what symptoms we get, and that is all it was a symptom, nothing more then that.
    This being a possible new symptom you should check with your neuro and see if you could be having a relapse.

    For a long time I was in kind of a denial, and in the “just going to take it as it comes” mind set.
    But I realized that was not helping me at all, and by researching thing like meds, diet and exercise I could possibly have fewer things come my way.

    For your current symptom I recommend web searching “toning urinary system”, and to exercise your bladder when you pee try doing a start, stop, start stop flow instead of one continuous flow.
    Give life meaning, live life by the 9 Noble Virtues.


      When this happened to me, I had lost the sensation of having to go. I'd wake up overflowing with the bladder spasming. I was mortified and wore some night depends until this flare up subsided.

      Also had urodynamic testing that verified the bladder spasms and that I was not getting the proper signals until going was urgent.

      While I'm not on any meds, this did calm down for me after a few months. Urologist said because of the MS, it would get better, worse, come back when it gets worse. Sigh....

      You are not alone here, we understand! You could be flaring. You could have a UTI that is making this worse. I'd check in with your urologist if you have one.


        Wanted to add while exercises like Kegel's seem like a good idea to gain more muscle control, I was told they aggravate my bladder spasms and to not do them.

        I do sit and wait and try again several times when I go to empty as much as possible, especially before bedtime. I know that I won't "feel" like I have to go more. I have to assume there is more until I'm pretty sure I'm as empty as possible.

        I've been taking D-mannose powder, 1 teaspoon in a drink per day, which possibly soothes the bladder with some good results. Many take cranberry pills too.

        We've talked alot about bladder stuff on the ladies forum too if you want to search for discussions. Good luck, I hope you get this under control!


          Hi Hobbit

          Hi Hobbit,

          I empathize with you. I have been married for almost 30 years and I know I would feel the same way if this happened to me.
          Just a little personal information that may help you. My dr.
          had put me on 30 mg of Ditropan, he increased it as it was needed. I think 30 mg is the maximum dose. I was doing that for several years and that started not to be as effective.
          I went to NYU Hospital and met with a wonderful urologist.
          She took me of the ditropan and put me on Vesicare which
          works great for me. I never had a problem with loss of
          control but without the medicine, I have leakage.
          Maybe a different med or increased dose, may help you.
          MS is awful. We are much too young to have these problems.
          Good Luck.


            Sorry about your bad luck. That's all it was; Your husband sounds cool. Mine wasn't much interested in researching it (the ignorance is bliss thang) but he listens when I explain stuff to him.


              Although I don't know about these meds or this issue (thank God), I do think your hubby is there for you..and that makes you dang lucky!!

              I bet if the tables were turned, you would do the same for him.

              Once the shock and embarrassment wears off, find something funny to joke about may help, do you think? Maybe not?

              Take care and let us know how you're doing

              I believe in miracles~!
              2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
              Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


                come on in!

                Hobbit, there's plenty of room under the rock for both of us. I've had a case of the "other end" letting loose. Thankfully it was just DH & I, but I was still embarrassed.

                I've also had the same problem you had but fortunately I was alone at the time.

                I have had great success with increasing my magnesium intake for this problem. Go to the Ladies Room for more discussions or do a search. Knuckle has a couple of links to very informative articles.

                Like you, my DH didn't want to know anything about MS, just relied on me to tell him what he should know. Our counselor finally got him to do his own research. Now he is much more understanding of my sx - only took 18 mos. Hang in there, there is hope!!
                DX 10/2008
                Beta Babe 12/2008-07/2013
                Tecfidera 07/2013-01/2018
                Aubagio 01/18-09/20

                Ocrevus 09/20-present


                  Hobbit I so understand how you feel. A year ago I had an unwanted 'guest' living with me, the man was an opportunistic **** in every sense of the word (I had to pay him to leave!).

                  Anyway this time last year I had an attack brought on by a UTI. One night I got up to go for a wee and ended up weeing on my way to the loo..just couldn't hold it. Not long after the bum got up too, also to go to the loo and saw the carpet was wet. He then proceeded to get out a bucket and sponge and scrubbed the carpet, all this without saying a word to me.

                  I was so mortified I wanted a a cave to crawl into never mind a rock. After this I went on 10mg a day of oxybutin and voila! problem solved. It might be well worth your while seeing if you can get this med. Please don't feel bad, it - and worst! - happens to all of us.
                  Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ... Dr. Seuss


                    i`ve never lost complete control of my bladder, but enough to change sheets while it is freightining and embarrasing, **** happens! don`t hide from it. tell your neuro and/or urologist. they may have a simple solution. good luck

                    MS World
                    PPMS DX 2001

                    "ADAPT AND OVERCOME" - MY COUSIN


                      can relate

                      I was in the shower a couple of weeks ago and lost control of my bowels, without warning. It was horrible. To make matters worse, my husband walked in while I was cleaning the shower! He's the type that thinks women don't fart, belch, or poop. So I'm sure he loved it
                      Dx: unsure
                      Rx: Celexa, propranolol, prilosec, meclizine, fioricet, zofran, benadryl


                        I can relate as well.

                        I started leaking "pee" the past few months. I was shocked and ashamed as well.

                        My doctor called me in some medicine although I still have rough days/nights.

                        I go to the bathroom many times even when I don't think I need to. Although it doesn't always matter.

                        My boyfriend of 5 1/2 years acted as if it was nothing at all. I've been Blessed with him being so supportive and understanding.

                        Still I feel ashamed if he's around or knows about it. I know I would NOT feel any different about him if it was on the other foot.

                        We are human though and it is Embarrassing for "adults" no matter what the reason.

                        I'm also finding out (as a good friend Darlene told me) UTI's are along for the ride as well. I've had a few already although 2 I didn't even know about just "leaking".
                        Dx MS Aug 2010 (after 2 years of searching)
                        Started Copaxone Aug. 2010


                          I found timing my fluid intake helps. I never drink anything after 8:30 p.m. or so, ice cubes help if I do get thirsty before bed and I pee every chance I get when we're out. But, be sure not to limit fluid intake unless you have to.
                          Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth. Unknown

