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Ouch....ear ache

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    Ouch....ear ache

    I have an awful pain in my left ear, but no infection. I have upped my neuotin and took ibuprofen, tried hot water bottle, cold compresses. No relief.

    I had a bad episode of vertigo a month ago and every since then have had on and off pain in my ear. Also having a new symptom now; tenitis that sounds like a mild screatching.

    Am I stuck to just "deal" or do you have a recommendation.

    I am still learning about all that is store for me as I wrap my mind around thank you for being here. I am truly greatful.

    You may have developed Trimengial Neuralgia.

    It's very painful when it flares up, feeling like it starts deep in your ear and the pain radiates to the temple and down the lower jaw.

    See your neurologist for an evaluation.

    Amytryptyline (the generic for Elavil) is $4 and helps keep it at bay but when it flares, you usually need a strong pain reliever and ice packs work best for me.

    Faith, Hope & Love
    MS 1988 SPMS 2005


      Ear ache

      I had an episode of trigeminal neuralgia last year that lasted a month. Heat relieved some of the pain. My neuro gave me a Rx, but it made me too weak. I had a regularly scheduled dose of solumedrol and the pain went away. Definitely talk to your dr. I've had problems with ringing and crackling in my other ear, w/ hearing loss, that cleared on its own after 3 mos. The ringing is less annoying over time. Hope this clears up soon.


        ear pain

        Ear pain can also be caused by sinuses. Try a dose of guafinesine (mucinex) and see if it helps.


          My ENT prescribed 40 mg. prednisone a day for a week when I developed hearing loss, tinnitis, ear pain that felt like a "stuffiness" and ache. I ended up on the prednisone for about 6 weeks and regained my hearing and calmed down all the symptoms.


            OK I had the same thing. The vertigo is what got me dx'd with MS (after the MRI and spinal of course.)

            Since the vertigo in June I have had ear pain. I had a sinus cold this past week and the pain got REALLLY bad. Of course we were having a snow storm and I didnt want to go in to be seen. Talked to neuro on the phone yesterday and he gave me Gabapentin. I have to take 3 a day. I have only taken 2 pills so far but they are making me unblamnced and loopy. However.....the ear pain has totally gotten better. Now I just feel like the floor is moving again LOL!

            Talk to you neuro about meds for it. I know your pain.

            MS Does Not Define Me.....My Love of Tea Does! LOL!


              ear pain

              I do not have a DX yet, but can say that I have had tinnitus, ear pain and the pain running up to my temple on the same side. I have had this pain for about 3 1/2 yrs.When I started on neurontin, it was a very low dose. I am now on 3200mg a day.

              I never thought about the trans??? disorder. Although it seems I am taking everthing you all take.

              I will say the neurontin helped, but I am starting to have breakthrough pain. Just a few days ago, I would have sharp stabbing pain in the other ear.

              I am glad you posted this,now I will mention to my neuro.
              Hope you find relief too.
              SX since 2002,no MS dx yet
              Ever hopeful, forever grateful


                See why I come here

                You guys are the best! Where could you possibly go and get this kind of help and advise.
                I should call my insurance company and tell them to send you guys the check. Lol.
                Your all such a blessing.

                I will try a few of your recommendations and talk with my neurologist.


                  Generic suggestion

                  I have an 84 year old freind who had tinnitus and vertigo so bad that he almost had to be put in a rest home. But somebody suggested "Zyrtec", and over the counter allergy medication. He takes one a night and has no vertigo unless he stops taking it. He got married and the excitment made him forget to take zyrtec for about a week. He had to be hospitalized as a basket case. I brought his zyrtec to the rest home and 2 weeks after starting it he was able to leave rest home. Several other eldrly people and one nurse said they would try it and all reported it helped. I'm not a doctor but just thought I would tell you this. Then I starte taking it and it helped by TN and ear pain and sound sensitivity.



                    Not sure why an otc allergy med would work on Trimengial Neuralgia since it's nerve pain.

                    Vertigo maybe if the vertigo was caused by fluid trapped in ear canal.
                    Faith, Hope & Love
                    MS 1988 SPMS 2005


                      It's worth a try

                      [QUOTE=Zencali;1263553]I have an 84 year old freind who had tinnitus and vertigo so bad that he almost had to be put in a rest home. But somebody suggested "Zyrtec", and over the counter allergy medication.

                      I think it is worth a try. I increased my gabepentin and advil and it helps a little. The pain has moved down the side of my neck.

                      If it works I will post the good news.
                      Thanks zencali.

