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MS related Fatigue??

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    MS related Fatigue??

    Hi all. I was officially diagnosed with RRMS about a month ago, so I am kind of new to all of this and I don't know what to expect. For about the past week I have noticed that I feel really fatigued during the day. The odd thing is that I get my energy back at night and that is when I exercise for about 90-120 min . I have also noticed that I am tossing and turning a lot when it's time to sleep and I feel like I may be fighting a sinus thing or a cold because I wake up stuffy and my eyes are swollen. Does this sound like typical fatigue associated with MS or do you think there is something else going on?? Thank you in advance.

    I can't get past that you exercise for two hours? WOW What i think you will find as you read other threads is there is no "typical" or normal or anything like that. Everyone has their own reactions to the disease. Congratulations on being able to withstand that level of activity!


      Hi sweetdreams:
      The daytime fatigue isn't unusual for MS. What is unusual is that you recover enough at night to work out for 2 hours. What's more typical of MS fatigue is to be able to exercise for about 15 minutes at a time, while being careful not to overheat.

      The tossing and turning when it's time to go to sleep is probably related to the fact that you just worked out for 2 hours at night at high energy instead of relaxing and getting ready for sleep. Exercising and sleep don't go together. Sleep experts recommend not exercising in the evening for anyone having trouble getting to sleep.

      The stuffiness and swollen eyes (only) in the morning aren't related to MS, but are very typical of allergy. Allergies can wax and wane at different times of year, and people can develop allergies at any age to things they weren't allergic to before.

      Now that the weather has turned colder, is your bedroom getting stale and stuffy from not having the windows open and the furnace blowing dust and allergens out of the ducts? Have you tried a new detergent or fabric softener lately that's on your pillowcase and maybe exposing you to an allergen that's in direct contact with your face for 8 hours at night?

