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Does MS make recoveries longer?

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    Does MS make recoveries longer?

    I had a liver biopsy one week ago, but I still feel like crapola. My doctor says it is unrelated to the biopsy, however I have felt this particular bit of horrid ever since the procedure. I am fairly young-ish (kind of) and in marginally good shape. My MS is mild, and well-controlled. Also, since the biopsy, my Rebif shots have made me as achy and miserable as when I first started them. Has anyone else experienced this marvelous phenomenon? Or am I just really special?

    I had surgery recently and for the next week my MS was affected -- I was weeker and had more cognitive problems and the fine motor skills were definitely worse.
    At least they were able to take my outpatient surgery and make it a rehab stay and I got some intense OT and PT for two weeks which made it much easier for me to take care of myself when I did get home.

    When one is dealing with Medicare it can be a tricky proposition as they do not necessarily see that because we have this diagnosis of MS recovery may be longer than the quote normal person. So the doctors have to work to sell that we need help to recover from the bumps that we have in life.


      My guess is that it is the General anesthesia that is given to you, or pain meds. Just think, our brains are already not functioning very well, and then a BIG dose of downers to keep us asleep. It takes awhile to process any drugs out of our system, and our liver is also working its hardest.

      Continued healing~

      I believe in miracles~!
      2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
      Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10

