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Went for my Exam

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    Went for my Exam

    Hi, all it been awhile since I've been here, I was wondering if anyone here knew about how long a wait I am looking at from the time the S.S. office sends you for a Medical examination till the time you hear the results. eaither approver or denied

    Hi santarick,

    Well, it depends. Have you already turned in all of your required paperwork? Was the medical exam the final part of the process?

    I think I was lucky in that I only had to wait approx. 4 months before I was informed of the outcome - which, btw, was positive! I was told they had a huge backlog, so maybe it would have been sooner- ?

    Good luck to you! I was all prepared for being denied as I had heard horror stories. Hope you are approved
    1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
    Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


      Thank you for the reply

      Yes as far as i know I've filed all the paper work and filled out everything they have sent me, I had my exam yesterday and although i have heard that some people have had unpleasent exam I found that the Dr. who preformed mine was very kind and helpful to me, going as far as to helping me down from the table and asking me if I would be alright to drive home, (having a bit of a bad day yesterday I'm afraid My balance was very bad and my blood pressure was high 210/116 but because of a Antonomic Dysfunction to go along with my MS and Hypertension my Nero had to take me off my blood pressure med because when the blood pressure drops I pass out) anyway, I'm very happy for you, I do hope I am also one of the lucky ones.


        Hi, santarick. Our experience is that the consultative medical exam is near the end of the decision-making process at the initial and reconsideration levels. Of course, each case is different. I hope that your case goes smoothly and that you receive someting positive soon.

        Attorney Richard Feingold concentrates his law practice in helping disabled individuals obtain the monthly Social Security disability benefits and health insurance that they need to survive. Although based in Chicago, Illinois, Rich helps disability claimants nationwide. He has been answering posts in this forum since June 11, 2003. Twitter handle: @RichFeingold.


          Originally posted by Rich Feingold View Post
          Hi, santarick. Our experience is that the consultative medical exam is near the end of the decision-making process at the initial and reconsideration levels. Of course, each case is different. I hope that your case goes smoothly and that you receive someting positive soon.

          Thank you Rich for volunteering your time to offer up your experience.

          I hired a lawyer towards the end of last year and just got the letter sending me for an exam. I haven't been denied yet so it's not the re-consideration period for me. Hopefully that's good news!

          I'd like to get a second opinion from you. They scheduled my appointment for my best time of day. 11AM
          I asked my lawyer if I should re-schedule it because everyday just a few hours after that I am markedly worse with my ability to get around and my fatigue level.
          He said no- just go in and tell the doctor that.
          What would you have said on this issue?

          thanks again!
          Compassion, forgiveness, these are the real ultimate sources of power for peace and success in life.
          Dalai Lama


            Hi, cara_lea. I do appreciate your faith in me, however, it is not my place to second guess your attorney or even give an opinion when you are being represented. I hope that you understand. I certainly wish you the best of success in your claim.

            Attorney Richard Feingold concentrates his law practice in helping disabled individuals obtain the monthly Social Security disability benefits and health insurance that they need to survive. Although based in Chicago, Illinois, Rich helps disability claimants nationwide. He has been answering posts in this forum since June 11, 2003. Twitter handle: @RichFeingold.


              Hello Rich,
              Yes, of course, that makes sense. Thank you for taking the time to point out that issue. I really shouldn't be second guessing him.
              Thanks again!
              Compassion, forgiveness, these are the real ultimate sources of power for peace and success in life.
              Dalai Lama


                You're welcome.

                Attorney Richard Feingold concentrates his law practice in helping disabled individuals obtain the monthly Social Security disability benefits and health insurance that they need to survive. Although based in Chicago, Illinois, Rich helps disability claimants nationwide. He has been answering posts in this forum since June 11, 2003. Twitter handle: @RichFeingold.

