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Yeast infections?

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    Yeast infections?

    I never had a yeast infection until a few months ago. I now have another one. Are woman with MS prone to getting yeast infections? This is horrible and I really hope its not another thing I am just going to have to "deal" with.
    Diagnosed June 2010. Started Betaseron July 2010.

    Hi ShanZro:
    MS itself isn't known to have any effect on yeast infections. However, medications can alter a person's body chemistry in a way that makes the "environment" favorable for yeast infections to develop. It's very individual. Sometimes changing what you eat can affect body chemistry in a way the makes the "environment" less favorable to yeast infections. I think the Nutrition section has has had threads about yeast infections in the past.

    If you can't change your medications, or in some cases even what you eat (which affects body chemistry), yeast infections might indeed be something you have to deal with. With MS, as in life, everything is a trade-off.


      I get a lot of yeast infections because of all the antibiotics I take for my frequent UTI's. I use to eat yogurt everyday that I was on antibiotics but I still would get them sometimes. Now I take a acidophallis (sp?) at least 10 million live culture pill daily no matter what. I have been on them for about 2 months and no yeast infections, I took antibiotics for 1 of those months.

      I don't know of any other meds that might trigger them but I know antibiotics are the worst.

      Hope you fond relief soon.
      "Therefore we do not give up, but even if the man we are outside is wasting away, certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day." 2 Cor. 4:16


        I'm really fortunate in that I've only had 2 yeast infections ever. The first one I did not have any health insurance, so I tried this:

        Good stuff. The second time I got Diflucan from the doc as soon as I saw/felt the signs AND used the Azo.
        ~Kim in NV~ Dx RRMS on the Spring Equinox 2008 , at age 44. *Aubagio* That which does not kill us only makes us stronger


          Yeast Infections

          I get a bad yeast infection every time I take antibiotics. So now I have to remember to have the doc give me a prescription for a Fluconozole to take. It does the trick. Since I've started doing this I seem okay!
          aka: Friend2U


            Years ago I was having a problem with recurring yeast infections. I tried everything to get them to go away and stay away; nothing worked. I quit wearing polyester, I quit drinking alcohol, I quit eating certain foods, I drank more water, I went to the doctor twice. I gave up and was just miserable for a while. Then I went off the birth control pill and I haven't had a yeast infection since.


              Medications esp. antibiotics as they alter the body chemistry.

              So you alter it with the good bugs that we need in our gut-- so that is why you see the ads for the yogurt that contains live cultures. If you are not a yogurt taker get some pills that contain the bugs that we need... and they will help with the yeast infections as well as the bowels whether you have constipation or diarrhea they will help you to a more normal state.
              I have Irritable bowel so I fight both ways but my taking the pills has helped tremendously -- I still have problems but not as bad. and when I take antibiotics I would get yeast infections but so far now none so I hope it continues.

              Lots of luck getting this annoying problem taken care of.

