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What is it about yawning?

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    What is it about yawning?

    Hi all. Thanks for being there for everyone.

    Not a rhetorical: What is it about yawning? I lose balance, muscle control & most everything else whenever I yawn. It's peturbing and close to dangerous while driving. Does yawning induce some kind of brain-lock in the MS-afflicted? Glenn

    I found this:

    Physiology & Behavior, Volume 95, Issues 1-2, 3 September 2008, Pages 10-16
    Andrew C. Gallup, Gordon G. Gallup Jr. wrote:
    3. Yawning and abnormal thermoregulation
    3.1. Multiple sclerosis

    **Copied and pasted material removed as per MSWorld guideline #6. Copyrighted Material. You can put the URL of the article into your message if it is from a reputable source. Thank you for your understanding**

    I hope that helps.


      I'm curious about this as well. Whenever I yawn my hands shake uncontrollably, which is a pain because I'm ALWAYS tired and ALWAYS yawning.

      Best of luck to ya, hopefully we get some answers.

      I choose to live and to grow, take and give and to move, learn and love and to cry, kill and die and to be paranoid and to lie, hate and fear and to do what it takes to move through.


        Sometimes when I yawn my left arm draws in. I just figured it makes my muscle tighten.
        God Bless Us All



          I found myself doing nonstop yawning on the way to work. I now drive with the windows down and just the air flow helps tremendously.
          I also have a small fan on my desk. Another great help.


            Sorry about that mods. I didn't mean to break the rules. Honest engine!

            Here is a link that shows a link to MS for excessive yawning:

            Unfortunately, you can't read the entire article unless you pay for it. Maybe it's hanging around somewhere else on the net. *shrugs*



              Yawning used to bring on chills for me, and I would shake each time.





                  glenmoor_guard said:
                  What is it about yawning? I lose balance, muscle control & most everything else whenever I yawn. It's peturbing and close to dangerous while driving.
                  floatingurboat said:
                  Whenever I yawn my hands shake uncontrollably, which is a pain because I'm ALWAYS tired and ALWAYS yawning.
                  REG53 said:
                  Sometimes when I yawn my left arm draws in. I just figured it makes my muscle tighten.
                  Mysham said:
                  Yawning used to bring on chills for me, and I would shake each time.
                  Yawning triggers those spasticity responses in me also! But I have to tell you, a sneeze brings on those responses big time, and for several seconds after the sneeze is done!

                  Take care,
                  PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
                  ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~

