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this cog fog has to stop

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    this cog fog has to stop

    could not find me keys Thursday am to take grandson to bus, so dh took him. I have been looking since then. Finally called dealership and they said they had to reporgram stuff and it would cost $70. I do not have that kind of $$ layng around so I kept looking. Accused dh of throwing out bag they were in..sometimes I throw them in grocery bags when I get home.

    There is a happy ending, I found them in a bag in the closet with bown in for Christmas wrapping. I am thankful I found them, but so frustrated that I wasted almost 2 days looking for them.


    The fog may never clear?

    I try to do everything the same way all the time to combat this problem.
    I always put my phone wallet and keys in the same spot when I get home, then take stuff out of the car or do whatever after putting my keys and wallet where I need them to be.(because I will not remember if I put them somewhere else.)

    The phone is tricky because I will walk around talking on it then set it somewhere strange and it will be gone.
    Perhaps that is what my home phone is for? I use the one on the wall to make my cel ring so I can locate it.

    I have thrown away lots of things by gets expensive and is frusterating.


      Judy- I hear ya girl about the cog fog! I felt like a walking zombie for quite a while!

      It has gotten ALOT better since I started on Ty in January. I feel so much more like I used to mentally. I feel like I'm more "with it"- if you know what I mean!

