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Feelings of Anxiousness

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    Feelings of Anxiousness

    Does anyone suddenly begin feeling shaky on the inside.. Kinda quivering, heart beat a little faster.. For no reason whatsoever? Its almost like tremors, but for the inside of your body? IDK how to describe this.. its frustrating...


    Hello Cookie,

    I get this quite often. I call it vibrating or tremors on the inside. I have alot of anxiety but this is a different feeling.

    Hope you feel better soon.
    God Bless Us All


      Sounds vaguely like a panic attack. Are you having a hard time breathing?


        My dr told me that is a panic attack. I have learned over time that I am not having a heart attack sp I can usually get myself calmed down fairly easily but at first I was a basic case. Hang in there.


        Weebles wobble but they don't fall down (much)


          panic attack

          I've had panic attacks all the time, and usually for no apparent reason.
          Sounds like it could be one.

          Usually with panic attacks you will feel shaky, your heartbeat speeds up, you feel like you can't breathe and their is an impending feeling of doom. Of course, it's different for everyone.
          waiting for answers.


            panic attack

            I have panic attacks quite often and I hate it but after awhile it will go away.I wish I could just be happy and care free again but we have to deal the hand we are dealt and I realize it could be a whole lot worse. hang in there.


              I've had panic attacks, and I've also had episodes of shortness of breath, combined with rapid heart rate. I don't think my shortness of breath is a panic attack, but so far I haven't found a good reason for it.
              "Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it" - Michel de Montaigne
              Diagnosed May 2007, relapsing-remitting


                i call them 'the shakes' if i don't stop, lie down, drink plenty of water in darkened, quiet room then the shakes take over whole body and i'll be exhausted for quite awhile. sometimes days.
                never thought of them as panic attacks. usually it's overexertion, but there have been times when not doing anything particularly hard or physical and they hit. many times with elevated pulse rate. which is 84 to 90s while resting.
                sorry, i forgot if you said that you've talked to dr?
                i pray that you can get them under control. i've learned the beginning signs and usually can stop them.
                take care and God bless ya!
                "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus



                  Originally posted by REG53 View Post
                  I call it vibrating or tremors on the inside. I have alot of anxiety but this is a different feeling.

                  Hope you feel better soon.
                  I have been vibrating all week inside like shaking.I hate that feeling..I have tingling on my head.. Driving me crazy..


                    Vibrating Inside

                    Yep, I have them too! Not panic attacks for me...just shaking from the inside drives me CRAZY! Even more crazy that my husband doesn't see its nice to have others to vent to! Sorry that any of us MS'ers have MS AT ALL! lol


                      Hi Cookie98,

                      MS can cause tremors (shaking). I get tremors in my hands which are visible to anyone looking.

                      I also get internal tremors (shaking) or another way I describe it is internal whole body shaking -- no one can see me shake but I feel it.

                      Anxiety causes physical symptoms that can be neurological in nature and similar to MS symptoms.

                      I have an anxiety disorder which causes the same type of shaking. When having both MS and an anxiety disorder it can be difficult to know which one is causing symptoms, however, in my case I usually know if it's the MS or anxiety.

                      There are medications that can help with shaking, MS related or anxiety related, the same meds help either kind.

                      Vibration/buzzing is a sensory symptom and the best way to describe it is having a cell phone on vibrate or standing on an air conditioning unit.

                      Information about anxiety:


                      information about MS tremors/shaking:


                      Only you and your doctor will be able to determine the cause of your shaking.
                      Diagnosed 1984
                      “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


                        I also have MS-related tremors, and anxiety/panic attacks. Sometimes they grab me out of the blue, cause shortness of breath, chest discomfort, difficulty swallowing, rapid or fluttering heartbeat, shakiness, the impending doom feeling...I can be having a perfectly ordinary day and suddenly I'm a psycho.

                        And if one more person tells me I just need to learn to relax, I'll leave teeth marks on somebody.
                        "I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future."


                          I can relate to this, too. You are not alone. (((hugs)))



                            Thanks everyone for your responses.. I have already spoken with my Doc about it, and he has prescribed my Clonazapem.. I think.. It does help, I was just concerned that I was losing my freaking mind.. I needed to know that I was not alone. I just get so frustrated, as Im sure all of you do.. Yes, Im hanging in and you all do the same!


                              I get 'em first thing in the morning

                              I'm ok lying down, then when I get up my back support muscles start shaking, I am not fully aware of myself, I think I must be hyperventilating, then the panic just takes off and I can't control it, like I'm breathing slow thru my nose, but my nose is swollen, so my neck muscles pull harder and squeeze and I get light-headed, and it's a vicious cycle till my brain and the Xanax kick in, sometimes 2 hours later.

