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Rest Area 51 Paging ALL MS Newbies Nov. 14, 2010

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    Rest Area 51 Paging ALL MS Newbies Nov. 14, 2010

    Welcome to Rest Area 51... a special haven or your New MS family for newbies Dx'd w/MS in recent days or years and newbies at . Being a newbie can be as scarry and lonely as being in Limbo, The BIG question answered, means many more new questions and decsions.

    If you have not taken a advantage of our Rest Area 51 lately, PLEASE grace us with your presence and let us know how YOU, a member of our MS newbies family is doing. For those who stop in and say hello each week, thanks.

    I am trying out using the yellow triangle to help make our rest area easier to find. What do YOU think?

    Pull into a nice cozy shady parking spot Pitch a tent or just lay out a blanket and enjoy the crisp cool fresh air not to mention fall colors. Feel free to share your ideas, experiences and support to your fellow newbies. Relax, you are among friends that understand. We have a virtual soap box, feel free to vent anytime.

    Have a QUESTION? Please don't be shy........
    The only dumb stupid question..... the one NOT asked.

    How was your week? Good I hope.
    ............Any Dr. apts etc?

    What does this week have in store for you?
    ...........Any Dr. apts etc.

    Doc Gomer Doctor of, Been There, Done That

    tommorrow isthe last of my social butterfly dates. I am really glad. It has been fun but I am wiped out. Dh got great seats to Browns game today, so we did that today.

    Hair appt. Wed., babysitting tomorrow and Wednesday night, so still a little busy but during the day, I can rest and get some cleaning done.

    Hope everyone has a good week. I ache and can hardly walk so I need to rest this week.



      Judy, I hope you can get that rest and that you are feeling better as the week goes on.

      I started my meds last week, and while I'm fine doing manual injections I have learned that the auto injector is the way to go for some of them. I don't know what angle I pulled the needle out today, but my poor hiney. Ouch. <---(this is supposed to be the "embarrassed" smilie, but it looks more like the "mascara" smilie. Oh well.)

      I hope the rest of you are having a good start to your week!


        Primary's appt.

        Went last Friday and was told it was this Friday. What can I say.


          journeyman, at least you didn't miss your appointment! i've shown up a week late for an appointment

          have a quiet week planned, and I'm hoping it stays that way, i need to rest up for the next week which is sure to be crazy! 3 dr's appointments, then a 4 day cross border shopping marathon! (i'm sure to pay for it afterwards, but want to while i still can!)

          have a good week everyone!


            Alicous.......I used the auto inject when I first started, now I just give myself without. Hinnie is the worst for me. I have never had any kind of butt and with no fat, it hurts alot. Luckily for me the ouch goes away within 15 minutes or so. If it is supposed to be a butt day and I know the next day, I will be going somewhere where I have to sit alot, a just skip that spot and go on to next spot.



              I finally talked to my neuro, and my MRI's look good. Apparently the lesions I had are no longer visible. I am very excited about that, but then her next comment was, "So keep taking what you are taking because it is working."

              So I reminded her that I am not on anything because she had to pull me off the Rebif in August and that she had suggested Copaxone when my bloodwork was normal. So she then says that yes, she would rec. I start on the Copaxone.

              Don't get me wrong, I totally understand that doctors see hundreds of patients, and I don't expect her to have my chart memorized. BUT I do expect to be able to have a conversation and feel like she has a full grasp of my situation, and I don't feel that.

              I told her I didn't want to start anything until after the holidays. I go back to MS specialist at Vandy in January, so I think I will just wait and see what he says.

              I hope everyone is having a good week. I am crazy busy, but enjoying it!
              Diagnosed 1/28/10


                Roo - I agree with what you are saying, and feel the same way. I didn't see this MRI - how difficult is it to discuss with me and show me, I also didn't see the results of my blood test. I needed to query her about it, and then it was looked up and discussed. My chart was not on the desk, so how do I even know she knew who I was or where lesions were? I am so frustrated with the medical community. I don't think I'm over the top, or overly complicated, however I do want/need/should know about my disease and how it's being reviewed and looked at. She said stay on avonex, and I am currently on it, however I would like a bit more discussion on the topic. ERGH!!

                Roo enjoy the time away from medications - I'm starting to think they are not such a blessing.

                I don't want to switch doctors, but it's on my mind - a lot.

                J-Man - we've all missed/arrived at appointments early and days and weeks. I always think its normal to be a tad 'off' but then I have a nagging feeling that it's MS.



                  Thanks for your comment. I felt so stupid. I have been going to this Doc. for years and am on a first name basis. I walked to the desk and they all had this look on their face. My Primary said - " Why are you here?" I said please don't tell me I'm here on the wrong day. I just hung my head and sauntered out.

                  You made me feel so good. Thanks again.


                    Slo Joe.......(except when on my

                    aka Gomer here, a tad late but been busy.

                    Ever wonder WHY docs PRACTICE medicine? (they'd be out of business if they ever perfected

                    I have been doing some research and other unrelated things. The research is for an up-comming doc apt at the VA. I am going to seek AEP (audio eveoked potentials) to try and connect my hearing loss to the MS.

                    I am going to ask for a complete THYROID work up. I am labeled as an insulin dependent type-2 diabetic. However my diabetes has always ahd to be treated more like a type-1, plus its a bit wierd or not typical of either T1 or T2. LADA might be a more accurate label for me, a variation of autoimmune type-1. Therefor I am also going to aske for diabetic antibodies related testing.

                    I was put on a thyroid med back in 1971, but did not bother to continue it. Both Copaxone and simvastatin can have adverse effects on muscle in a hypothyroid person. MY mobility has been on a decline especially the past few years. Another risk factor is MS, plus if I am actually mis-labeled as T2 when I should be diabetes Type-1 instead, (LADA is a form of autoimmune Type-1 diabetes), that would be yet another risk factor.

                    My concern is that my mobility issues may be partly due to several medical issues and/or meds, one exaberating another. Its ahd gotten especially worse since starting simvastatin which is know to be a problem with a hyothyroid.

                    So there you have it, Doc Connect-da-dots has been at it (again), doing what my doctors SHOULD have done, some of it long long ago! maybe the DOTS don't connect, but never know unless proper testing is done.

                    The 64k question is, will I be able to get the testing done or will I yet again get GOMER'd? (I already struck out with my famdoc and cardiologist)

                    DocGomer Doctor of, Been There, Done That.


                      Originally posted by journeyman View Post
                      Thanks for your comment. I felt so stupid. I have been going to this Doc. for years and am on a first name basis. I walked to the desk and they all had this look on their face. My Primary said - " Why are you here?" I said please don't tell me I'm here on the wrong day. I just hung my head and sauntered out.

                      You made me feel so good. Thanks again.
                      I once spelled my name wrong on my drivers license and was too embarrassed to say anything. I didn't even have MS to blame! We all have "special" moments.


                        Hi Crew.......

                        Hope everyone is doing OK.

                        Last nite I made a comand decision. I decided to stop my simvastatin to see if it helps my walking/endurance a little. If it does, that could indicate a problem with the simvastatin. I dropped a letter off and my fam doc's office today letting him know and my reasons/logic behind my decision. I included a couple pages of research I did, complete with links to sites like I used, in case he wants to look any of it up himself..

                        Hope I don't catch too much h311 over my decision, so if ya see fireworks on the horizon, you know

                        Gomer Doctor of, Been There, Done That


                          Um - I am officially hang tagged for handicapped.

                          I got my hang tag today. Don't have to walk so far. Yeah I guess. Now people will look at be wierd but what do I care.


                            I highly reomend you get H/C TAG for your car!

                            Keep your hang-tag as well, that way if you are riding or using someone elses car ya GOT IT! (hang tag).

                   much did ya have ta pay yer doc (bribe) to get him to sign?

                            DocGomer Doctor of, Been There, Done That.



                              I just handed it to her and said here I need you to sign this. She just said I get my attendent to fill it out. I was sure I went in with my cane. That was it.

                              Where have you been hiding all week. Missed you.


