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Pain MS HUG?

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    Pain MS HUG?

    I am trying to figure out what the pain is I am having. It is located on the left side of my Back, chest, and left arm. No it isn't my heart. Been to dr. while having steroid treatment about 3 weeks ago. Heart is fine. This is PAIN!!!! and it is moderate to severe. It takes my breath away at times because it hurts so bad. It is kind of a presure and pain at the same time. It is driving me crazy. Vicodin seems to take the edge off a little and the dr started me on Gabapintine again so we will see if that helps. I am also haveing a MRI of my spine done.
    "Life is like a box of choclates you never know what you will get"

    Mother of 4 (23,21,19 and 17)
    Dx 2003