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Question about treatment for urinary retention

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    Question about treatment for urinary retention

    I've seen both my PCP and neurologist this week for regular appointments, but I also brought up the issue I'm having with urinary hesitancy & retention. I'm scheduled for a post-void bladder scan in a couple of weeks.

    The neurologist said I have a spastic bladder, which is common to people with MS, and the cause of my intermittant retention issues. He also said NONE of his MS patients self-cath; there are medications to help with hesitancy and retention. Both the PCP and neurologist say that self-cathing carries too much risk of introducing bacteria and infection.

    The only medication I've been able to find that helps with retention is the off-label use of Flomax. I don't necessarily want to self-cath, but I want to avoid repeat UTI's and the very unconfortable feeling of bladder fullness.

    I've read on this board that a lot of people with retention issues self-cath. If you medicate versus self-cath......what medication(s) do you use?

    sound uncomfortable

    I just want to say I'm with you in not wanting to self cath! I am starting to have trouble voiding and have mentioned it to my doctors. They recomend that I drink more liquids and start drinking cranberry juice. Since I almost never have urinary tract infections, they aren't really concerned with it right now.

    Good luck in finding something that works!
    Time is but a name we give to the passing moments of life, it is these moments that hold all the meaning.


      same issue

      I agree with not wanting to self cath, have been on Flomax off & on for a while, it does help, just don't like meds in general, when I'm not going out I don't take any. Let me know if you find anything else that may help, I want to look into biofeedback? Retraining my body to fully void would be ideal.


        Physical Therapy

        My PCP is referring me to 'specialized' physical therapy to strengthen my pelvic floor muscles. Apparently, not every physical therapist has training in this specific area. (I don't even want to know how they measure muscle improvement!!)

        So........have the bladder scan this Friday, hopefully start pelvic floor PT soon, and go from there. The neurologist did say the intermittent nature of the urinary retention I'm experiencing is due to a spastic bladder. Sometimes it bothers me and sometimes it doesn't. Guess every day is a surprise with MS!!


          Originally posted by Canary54 View Post
          My PCP is referring me to 'specialized' physical therapy to strengthen my pelvic floor muscles. Apparently, not every physical therapist has training in this specific area. (I don't even want to know how they measure muscle improvement!!)

          So........have the bladder scan this Friday, hopefully start pelvic floor PT soon, and go from there. The neurologist did say the intermittent nature of the urinary retention I'm experiencing is due to a spastic bladder. Sometimes it bothers me and sometimes it doesn't. Guess every day is a surprise with MS!!
          Want to comment that my urologist told me to not do the Kegel exercises that many women do to strengthen control in that area.......he said it can worsen my bladder spasms.
          You might want to mention this to your PT and ask about it.

          It did make sense that really I needed my bladder to relax. These urinary problems are complex!


            I had similar sx. At my appt w/urologist he mentioned that I was probably having bladder muscle spasms. But after learning the cost of the tests, plus dr plus meds, decided to not go through with it.

            What I did was come here & ask. I learned the magnesium is a muscle relaxer. I've added 400mg 2X daily (in addition to multi-vit) to my supplements. That has virtually eliminated my problem!! AND it gave me immediate relief! Within a couple of hrs I could already tell a difference.

            I highly recommend trying this -- what is there to lose?
            DX 10/2008
            Beta Babe 12/2008-07/2013
            Tecfidera 07/2013-01/2018
            Aubagio 01/18-09/20

            Ocrevus 09/20-present



              Good information to know about the magnesium. Do you know if there is any downside (negative side effects) to taking magnesium supplements? This is certainly something I'd be willing to give a try! Thanks for the idea.


                Canary, no side effects that I know of. I'm sure its possible to overdose, but I think we'd need quite a bit more.

                With all of the supplements I'm taking I'm probably getting about 1000mg/day. I'm sure if you google "magnesium overdose" something will come up.

                You also might want to search the archives here. I know we've (mostly me) talked a little about it on Tara's board.
                DX 10/2008
                Beta Babe 12/2008-07/2013
                Tecfidera 07/2013-01/2018
                Aubagio 01/18-09/20

                Ocrevus 09/20-present


                  So there is a med for that...good to know. I saw my neurologist today and I have been having this same issue. I go next week to see a urogynocologist so we shall see! Good luck



                    no one wants to self cath but the risk of getting an infection is much less when you self cath as apposed to retaining the urine in your bladder!! trust me i know this from expierence!! i am now needing a urostomy because i can't cath and can't go on my own this hopefully won't be your norm. good luck to you.


                      No bladder ultrasound for me!

                      I wanted to post that I took Toomnyhat's advice and began taking 400mg of Magnesium twice a day a couple of days ago, and I can tell a difference already!

                      I'm scheduled for the pelvic floor PT later this week, so will see how that goes.

                      I cancelled my post-void bladder ultrasound as the pre-scan instructuctions were to drink 32oz of fluid and hold it for 90 minutes then arrive for the scan! I spoke with the technologist and told her it was not possible for me to comply with those instructions; I have MS. She wanted to know how much I could drink.....I told her drinking wasn't the problem.....'not going' was the problem!! I had no intention of 'dribbling' my way down the hallway to the scan!

                      So, hopefully between the Magnesium and PT, I can ksay good-bye to my retention least for a while.


                        so happy for you!

                        I'm so happy this is working for you!! Isn't the difference amazing?! Like night & day, I had forgotten what it was like to be able to sleep all night.

                        And if I forget to take a dose I can tell.

                        32Oz of fluid then HOLD IT for 90 min -- are they crazy?!!

                        Please do keep us informed about the PT, I am interested in what they tell you.
                        DX 10/2008
                        Beta Babe 12/2008-07/2013
                        Tecfidera 07/2013-01/2018
                        Aubagio 01/18-09/20

                        Ocrevus 09/20-present


                          I'm wondering if magnesium isn't associated with stool softening? I remember calcium having the side effect of constipation and being told that magnesium counteracts that effect. Anyway, I don't know if that remembrance is accurate but am wondering. I'm glad to hear that it has helped with the urinary problems. I may have to try it myself.


                            Originally posted by Loved View Post
                            I'm wondering if magnesium isn't associated with stool softening? I remember calcium having the side effect of constipation and being told that magnesium counteracts that effect. Anyway, I don't know if that remembrance is accurate but am wondering. I'm glad to hear that it has helped with the urinary problems. I may have to try it myself.
                            Loved, someone else mentioned they researched magnesium for their bladder issues and learned it can act as a laxative. I have not had a negative experience with it BUT ... I tend to have a problem w/constipation due to poor diet (I'm working on that) & MS so, for me, a laxative/stool softening side effect is good

                            Knuckle has posted a couple of links in the past for magnesium/MS research. I'm sure you could find them if you search her posts.

                            As I've said before, what's to lose by trying it? It's inexpensive & can be done while waiting for dr appts/testing. Ask your dr or pharmacist if concerned about any potential drug interactions.
                            DX 10/2008
                            Beta Babe 12/2008-07/2013
                            Tecfidera 07/2013-01/2018
                            Aubagio 01/18-09/20

                            Ocrevus 09/20-present


                              Originally posted by Canary54 View Post
                              I cancelled my post-void bladder ultrasound as the pre-scan instructuctions were to drink 32oz of fluid and hold it for 90 minutes then arrive for the scan! I spoke with the technologist and told her it was not possible for me to comply with those instructions; I have MS.

                              Just because you have MS don't assume you can't follow the instuctions for the test (drinking 32oz of water and holding it for 90 min).

                              MS would not necessarily prevent you from doing what was needed. Try not to say "I can't" before you have actually tried.

                              I had a pelvic ultrasound and I had to do the same thing asked of you (32oz of water and hold for 90min)---I did it...without leaking.

                              The only issues -- after the first part of testing I needed to empty my bladder for the second half of the test. My bladder does not always empty completely (retention) as was the case in this instance. The tech asked me to try again because she was unable to complete the testing due to the bladder still being full.
                              Diagnosed 1984
                              “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic

