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Stamina Issues

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    Stamina Issues

    Now that spring is upon us, I'm trying to tend to my garden, about the only physical activity I am left able to do. The problem is, I can only do stuff for 15-20 minutes at a time before I start getting dizzy, wobbly legs, blurry vision, etc. If I stop doing everything for 10-15 minutes, I feel fine and can get back to it. I can do this process for several hours until I hit a wall and cannot do anything any more.

    The kicker is, I'm not even doing anything strenuous. I have a small bench that I sit on, so I'm not even standing and bending much. The work I do is light, some weeding, planting, putting in lights, etc. Things that would have taken me 1/2 hour to do before, now takes me several hours or more! It took me 4 hours to install 9 lights yesterday before I had to go lay down for a couple of hours.

    Is there anything that can be done about this? Or am I doomed to half complete projects?

    I am so there. I just made my bed and flipped the mattress and had to sit down twice before I could finish and am now on a break.

    I really can't answer your question I can only tell you that it has been like that for me since the beginning. Every year I lose a little more ability.

    It is hard to learn to pace yourself when you are used to being active. I think I am finally there after 4 years or so. My new rule of thumb is never over do. I read that on a thread here somewhere.

    I suppose it comes with acceptance. I have tried everything to increase my stamina. At first I took extra B vitamins and it helped but after some time it was useless. Some people take a med that helps. Maybe you could talk to your doctor.

    I was on the swank diet and that helped also. For me eliminating refined sugars eating a well balanced diet has helped. I am now Eating Clean and do notice a difference. I also bought a thera-cycle that has helped mer at least be able to get out of bed in the morning.

    You might also find taking a short nap may help. I now need at least 9 hrs to even think about getting up and dressed. Most times it works sometimes I can do nothing until the "jet lag" abates.

    I hope my few tactics help you and knowing that a lot of us go through this gives you some sort of comfort.



      I can understand completely understand where you're coming from. As an avid gardener for almost 40 years, I am dismayed at how little I can do now! Aging, along with MS - I am SPMS now - has taken it's toll! It's saddening and frustrating as gardening is my passion.

      So, acceptance comes into play along with prioritizing what really needs to get done at any given time. I also ask for help more! I used to pride myself with the fact I could do it alone and that has changed! I also take shortcuts in every way possible and do away with having the garden look immaculate and tidy. Most of all, I have slowed WAY down - when I work for 15 min., I stop for 15 min. work 15, rest 15, etc.

      The work gets done when it gets done. Period.

      I don't take any drugs to help with this stamina problem, but you could talk with your doctor about it. I do take the supplement L-carnitine which has helped with my energy level considerably! There are other posts about this supplement you could read up on if you do a search.

      Good luck to you and take it easy.
      1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
      Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


        I do the same, garden for 15 minutes, stop and rest, back and forth. As the weather gets hotter, I know I will not be able to do any gardening, but you might find me pulling weeds at night in the dark !

        It is all heat related for me. A cooling vest can help, but I find internal cooling via icy drinks and ice packs on my head and neck more effective.

        A sun protective hat is a must in the summer! Makes a big difference. I like the ones I have from Sunday Afternoons and Sun Grubbies.


          You may want to check into LDN. Here is a website:
 It is supposed to help with some MS symptoms, including fatigue. I haven't take it but you will find some threads on here about it.
          Good luck!


            You might talk to your neuro about Provigil. It has really helped me. I still get tired, but not nearly as bad before ...

            Good luck

            DX SPMS Qctober 2001


              Oh yeah, I can totally understand. In hindsight, I am so glad we downsized, even though I was forced to do it...Our yard is small and I am very excdited about my plants. I planted 10 or so gladiloula bulbs last week, and I was pretty much done with my gardening. Our landlord mulched the tree on the tree lawn today, so I am excited about having my little flower garden to work on....that is about all I can do.

              had a small flood in the h ouse today....totally my fault, gave the dogs a bath Sunday (that was my project for the day) and I did not put the hose back propoerly. Luyckily, I was home and heard the overflow right away, but cleaning it up was enough for me for today.

              So frustrating.......I used to be so active, but not I just have to pace myself. i am doing lots of puzzles, well not doing them cause my brain is not as good as it used to be, but trying them and watching lots more tv than I used to.




                Thanks everyone for your suggestions. Most I have already tried.....

                Provigil made me feel like a speed junkie, took three days to come down (But my house was never cleaner!!!!!). Amatadine made me a sleepy drone. Acetyl L-Carnitine with ALA did seem to help initially, but I would still crash in the PM, then I started having heavy heartbeats, so discontinued. I just start LDN a little over a month ago, so we'll see how that goes. Naps and me don't mix, usually even when I feel extremely sleepy, I'm unable to fall asleep. If I do, I usually feel worse after I wake.

                Maybe I'll try a sun hat, didn't think of that. It wasn't really hot the other day, only in the 70's. I sure hope my heat intollerance isn't increasing, I'm in Texas, so 70's around here is light jacket weather. We have a ways to go before it's considered hot.

                My DH was cute with this, he finally told me to stop doing stuff, that it's okay not to finish. Said he used to get upset and couldn't understand why when he came home from work only a load or two of laundry was done, or whatever. Said now he's not concerned with the stuff anymore. Things around here inside and out are by no means immaculate and tidy, just comfortable and lived in!!!

                Judy - I can totally relate to the indoor flooding. I've walked away from a stopped sink, only to hear a weird dripping sound coming from the kitchen later, then realizing, oh yeah, I was doing dishes!


                  Yup heat can wipe you out, I wear a hat, and dresses anything to keep my core temp in check. I bought some things you put in cold water and then tie around your neck. I have been known to put one in my bra.

                  Sometimes I tie one around my head then put my hat on. There must be a thread somewhere about keeping cool. Frequent cool showers also help.

                  I hope this is of some use Mookie.


