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how long do your side effects last?

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    how long do your side effects last?

    I was on Rebif for 8 months with no major problems and easily managable side effects. Went off to get pregnant with my son, and went back on after he was born. The second time I was on it the side effects were much worse (flu symptoms) and got progressively worse, too. I finally went off it at the end of June and by then felt like I was living ibuprofen to ibuprofen because the flu-like symptoms were constant. I just started on Avonex hoping for a different experience, and admittedly I've only done 1 shot, but this is now over 48 hours past the shot and I'm still feeling flu-ish. It's weird because it will come and go, I felt fine today until about 2 in the afternoon, then started feeling lousy. Thoughts? Similar experiences? Suggestions?!

    I have only been dx'd since June so I dont have a lot of experience but here is my story.

    Started on Avonex for 2 months. Every shot (once a week) made me sick for 2 days. I would be in bed with flu symptoms, achy, sore skin, slight fever, it was just bad.

    I stopped the Avonex and started on Betaseron a month ago. So far not one symptom other then a slight headache after the 4th injection. They do a step up to your full dose so you get used to it. My neuro had me step up twice as fast as the average person but still no side effects.

    I think it is great. I don't know why I am feeling better on the Betaseron, believe me I would rather do a shot once a week then every other day but maybe it is the every other day shot that is keeping me from flu symptoms?

    MS Does Not Define Me.....My Love of Tea Does! LOL!


      avonex sucks. every sunday i feel like crap. no side effects but i feel drained. i see dr monday so hope i can do something differ.

      i was on rebif before he wanted me to switch and now i wish i didnt. rebif was the shiznit compared to avonex. only thing good about it is cheaper.
      Dx: 09/2004
      09/2011- oooppppssss still have it.


        Sorry all I have ever been on is Avonex and only had three injections...wish I could tell you more..yea it makes me sick..but I am hoping they will go away after a few months..i hope you get things sorted out!!


          Thanks guys, I actually started feeling better Saturday and have felt fine since. After living painkiller to painkiller on Rebif, I'll take 2 days a week of Motrin and make sure I stay hydrated. Here's hoping it gets better, not worse. For those of you just starting, I find that drinking water like mad tends to help--I'm peeing every 5 minutes but being extra hydrated makes the difference. I also worked out Saturday morning--wodering if maybe it helped move the meds through my system more quickly?

