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Weightloss Checkin Group: Weighin for 10/14/10

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    Weightloss Checkin Group: Weighin for 10/14/10

    Hi everyone. Five of us reported this week. Hey, that’s more than we’ve had for a while. We are still fighting the good fight. Victory, good for you for not gaining. Best of luck with your new fitness DVD. Poohb3ar, good going. You lost over a pound. Hooray. Sparky, that one pound will come right off. Good luck. And I like your idea of me being a prune for Halloween. CCsitter. Great that you lost a pound. Keep up the good work. Gaygay and Rocky we look forward to your reports. We are here to help. I lost two pounds this week so am now down to 114. It is time to reverse the weight gain trend and put on a pound. I know I have the potential to keep going up so know I must remain vigilant. Staying around 115 is all right with me even though I look like a prune at that weight.

    For those who may have an interest in joining our dedicated group, our members each have their own personal methods of weight loss. Some are on Weight Watchers, some on Atkins for example and some just cut calories. I personally lost quite a lot of weight in the beginning using Atkins and then just cut portions while eating everything. The method is not the most important thing, it is staying focused and following the plan.

    We post weight loss, gain, stayed the same, from Thursday to Thursday and have been doing so for over seven years. We are truly dedicated to get rid of those pesky pounds and keep them off. You don’t have to state your actual weight. It’s a matter of choice.

    Tip for the Week:

    It’s a little early, but not too soon to think about Halloween which is my birthday. It was fun to have Halloween birthday parties when I was a kid. Sorry, I digress. Try not to buy anymore treats than what you will need to give out. Then get rid of what is left over. It is easy to snarf down those little tidbits and they really do add up.

    Results for 10/7/10:

    Total Loss: 2.1 lbs. by two members. Good going. Congratulations on your success. Keep up the good work. You are our inspiration this week.

    Total Gain: 3 lbs. by two members. Good for you for reporting. Staying aware is important. When you write your gain down it makes it more real and thus easier to address. Good luck this week.

    Stayed The Same: One. Just remember, staying the same is success and don’t ever forget it. Just remember it is just the time before the next loss. Do let us know.

    2951.28 is our grand total of weigh loss for the past 8 years. We are headed for 1 1.2 tons of weight loss. What a total!

    Thank God all of the Chilean minors are safe.

    hate reporting this, but i'm going to : up 1/2 lb.
    thought i was on a downward cycle finally. i keep feeling like a yoyo. not exercising too much this week because of awful fatique didn't help.
    i like your tip on halloween treats Karen. i try to take it a step further and only pass out small toys or gum. then i'm not tempted at all! ok, i did 'try out' some candy i'm sending to DD in a care package.
    everyone have a great week and check in. hopefully we're all getting back on track. badly needed just before the holidays!
    take care and God bless ya!
    "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


      The weight loss thing

      Well, I almost forgot to check-in today. I lost 3.5 pounds. Im now at 143.5 pounds. The bad thing is that because I have just started my weight loss its so easy to put it right back on. Plus my DH is golfing today and will bring back a Tostado from their snack bar that we cant resist. But I will try my darndest to keep up on riding my recumbant bike and watch what goes in my mouth until next Wed. Good luck to all.


        Well i went back up 1lb. I am very disapointed in myself, determined more to try harder this week.


          check in for 10-21-10

          Checking in for this week I am excited to say I have lost 2 lbs. I think it may be because the exercising walking and I am now eating breakfast every morning without fail. Wish me luck 3 more lbs and I have reached the goal my dr. set for me. Hope everyone has had a good week. Ya'll take care hugs for everyone and GOD BLESS.

