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Pain medication options? What's worked for you?

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    Pain medication options? What's worked for you?

    Here is where I am at.

    I have tried neurontin, lyrica, amytriptalin, a couple others that I can't remember but they're all in the "anti convulsant, anti depressant" family.

    My biggest complaint with my dr's is that I tell them that I don't want to be on a drug that makes me feel drunk or out of it like these have done. I can't stay awake on any of them, even from the lowest possible dose. If I fight it, then I am completely useless, totally unstable and my boyfriend says I am 100% intoxicated on them. I don't drink of use recreational drugs as I've never enjoyed being "out of it".

    I had a friend who gave me some opiates when we were talking about pain management. I tried it and for the first time, my pain was manageable. Not only that, I didn't feel intoxicated at all. I had energy because I wasn't at a 7+ on the pain scale at all times. He had also suggested MJ, which I have never liked. I did try that one time though and it made my pain so unbelievably worse that I was in tears because it magnified all of it.

    Obviously that's not the right route to go and I wanted to try a legitimate prescription. So being the honest person that I am, I told my neuro and asked him about it and his thoughts were that since I'm "only 30", he doesn't want to start me on something that I will be on "for life" and become chemically dependent on and the dosage will need to be increased.

    My thoughts on this is that it's ridiculous. Every single medication that he has me on, I will be on "for life" with increasing doseage, so what is the deal? Is it the stigma associated with opiates?

    I'm currently at home and have been for two weeks. I finally gave in and went to the ER for a IVSM to start and the doctor was shocked at the muscle weakness and pain that I was dealing with. He offered me "something for the pain" but I declined because I didn't want to just get something for that night and then have to get accustomed to feeling so badly again when I went home.

    The home care nurse who came to give me the IV lock for my next day of IVSM went through my pain and was shocked. She said that she couldn't imagine what I was going through and said she'd personally call my doctor and make sure to get me on something but I think my biggest problem and one that all of us face is not having a patient advocate.

    Have you ever noticed that you make a plan with what you want to discuss on your doctors visit and then when you get in the room you just lose all of it. Even when I write things done I'm still just at a loss for words when I get into the situation and I end up just saying "fine, whatever you want to try next", which sucks when I'm the one footing the bill for trying all of these medications that are expensive and don't work.

    Sorry for the long rant! Let me know what you guys think. All of the older pain medication threads appeared to be archived while I was searching so I decided to post a new thread since Pain is a very prominent issue.

    Yes, I am going through about the same thing. I have nerve pain, joint pain and just pain.Back and all kinds I just can't explain where it all comes from.

    I do need something for the nerve pain. I also have migraines, which complicates things a lot for me and the dr's.

    But, I do not know why they are so hesitant to prescribe a pain pill. There are many, Tramadal, darvacet, vicodin.. and a few others. That relieve pain and do not have near the drunken side effects that I have experienced while searching for a nerve pain pill.
    My neuro is searching for a "non narcotic" way to relieve my pain.
    I am drunk today, but I have to admit I did wake up rested.
    DRUNK but rested after the 3rd nerve pain pill. NO way will this do it alone. I will give it time though.
    I think it's a stigma.. that goes with pain pills. I have never really gotten a High feeling off a pain pill.
    But I have gotten my house clean and gotten pain relief.
    Dr's and they don't get that lightbulb effect.


      Originally posted by heartsandskulls View Post
      Here is where I am at.

      My biggest complaint with my dr's is that I tell them that I don't want to be on a drug that makes me feel drunk or out of it like these have done. I can't stay awake on any of them, even from the lowest possible dose. If I fight it, then I am completely useless, totally unstable and my boyfriend says I am 100% intoxicated on them. I don't drink of use recreational drugs as I've never enjoyed being "out of it".

      I had a friend who gave me some opiates when we were talking about pain management. I tried it and for the first time, my pain was manageable. Not only that, I didn't feel intoxicated at all. I had energy because I wasn't at a 7+ on the pain scale at all times....

      ...Sorry for the long rant! Let me know what you guys think. All of the older pain medication threads appeared to be archived while I was searching so I decided to post a new thread since Pain is a very prominent issue.
      I've been taking LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) for a few months now and completely understand how the opiate your friend gave you helped.

      LDN is the low dose (1.5 mg) of Naltrexone.

      I take it to help with heat intolerance and energy. However, I noticed that I was sleeping great and waking up without the normal, drugged feeling.

      In addition, I noticed the LDN helped my thinking be clearer. Overall, I have felt really good.

      It isn't overly expensive, which is great because Insurance will not cover it as far as I know (worth checking though).

      Regarding pain, I can't say it helped. I take the lowest 1.5 mg. dose rather than the 3.0 mg. dosage.

      Facebook has an LDN Group. Maybe ask them and read if LDN has helped others with pain.

      Best wished to you!

