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    I am having this weird situtation going on. I get a zapping pain in my head and then my head shakes over and over like I am saying no over and over. Then the legs shake and stiffen out at the same time. My stomach will stiffen to the point that I cannot breathe. I will cry when this happens and then fall right to sleep as soon as it is done. I called my doctor and he put me on Tegretol which is helping but still having breakthrough episodes. Does this sound like seizures? My doctor seems to think so. It is so scary and when it happens my youngest child will leave the room because he cannot watch it.

    Gosh I am so sorry you are going through this.. and yes it sure sounds suspicious of seizure activity. You need to see an Epileptologist. They will do a video EEG and it tells them a lot. Again.. I feel for you.

    Do you also have MS?
    Hang in there and PLEASE let us know how you're doing.

    There are some good Epilepsy/seizure forums. And these folks, like here, will be so supportive.

    HUGS my dear
    I believe in miracles~!
    2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
    Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10



      Yes, I do have MS and my doctor said that is why I am having them as partial seizures are common in MS and he feels that is what they are because I am conscious when I take them

