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My Doc Appt Today

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    My Doc Appt Today

    I finally got into the Indian Clinic for an appt with a GP. I took my letter with my MS diagnosis and all of my meds with me. They are going to refer me their neuro (whoever that is) and refilled 4 of my meds.

    They don't carry Buspar (and there isn't an equivalent) so my doc is having me try Valium (again) and take half of a 5 mg twice a day instead of Buspar. I'm a teetle bit worried that it won't work considering it never did before. But the Valium is only until Behavior health can get me in to get on something that is non-narcotic. Hopefully it will be soon since: (a) I hate taking narcotic drugs and (b) I have to pass drug tests every month for work and Valium will show up (I'm hoping the bottle with my name and dosage on it will be enough to get me off the hook and let me keep my job.)

    That's my update for the day.

    My eye appt is next Tues so hopefully I'll get answers as to why I'm seeing only shapes and colors with red/pink distortion in my left eye with blurriness in my right.
    Rae Roy

    If the doc prescribed it

    No need to worry about drug testing at work, just bring the bottle with you. That is such a small dose, anyway.
    I have been on 10 mg of Klonopin and up to 60 mg of Baclofen and still did 12 hour shifts, so at this point I would not be concerned.


      Hi Raegan

      Thanks for the update.

      I finally got into the Indian Clinic for an appt with a GP. I took my letter with my MS diagnosis and all of my meds with me. They are going to refer me their neuro (whoever that is) and refilled 4 of my meds.
      Is this going to be your new, regular neurologist now?

      They don't carry Buspar (and there isn't an equivalent) so my doc is having me try Valium (again) and take half of a 5 mg twice a day instead of Buspar. I'm a teetle bit worried that it won't work considering it never did before. But the Valium is only until Behavior health can get me in to get on something that is non-narcotic.
      I hope the Valium works for you until you can get something else prescribed.

      My eye appt is next Tues so hopefully I'll get answers as to why I'm seeing only shapes and colors with red/pink distortion in my left eye with blurriness in my right.
      Good luck on Tuesday at your eye appointment. Maybe you'll get some answers for your eye issues. Let us know what they say.

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


        The reason I have a problem with it is because I have problems on narcotics. Its not the dosing that bothers me. I tried hard to get off of all of my other narcotic drugs for a personal reason.

        Yes the neuro they are referring me to will be my new neuro. And I'm hoping they can figure out what the deal with is my eye!

        I will keep everyone updated.
        Rae Roy


          Good Luck!!

          I go to an IHS hospital up here in Alaska. They are pretty good about helping and sending you out to another clinic if they are unable to help you.

          Unfortunately they are short with what their pharmacy carries accross the board, but any outside insurance you carry can be used to get the Buspar at another pharmacy if it is something you learn is the best for you. I've done this with several of my meds here that ANMC doesnt carry.
          I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad; The dreams in which Im dying are the best I've ever had.


            I don't have any outside insurance. I can't afford it so that is why I'm going to the Indian Clinic.
            Rae Roy

