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Does The Ground Rumble Beneath You?

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    Does The Ground Rumble Beneath You?

    I'm embarrassed to ask but today, I was sitting and it felt like there was an earthquake but nobody else felt it. It has happened before. It just feels like the ground is rumbling beneath me.

    It kind of makes me feel uneasy, it's like a full body tremor or something and makes me feel queasy.

    Does anyone else experience this? Is it an MS thing? I don't have an ear infection or anything so I don't know.

    I've been feeling pretty okay for the last week. The weather has cooled down a lot, lows of 50s, SO GLAD!!

    I have some minor pain when trying to sleep, dizziness, burning, still paresthesias in my head at night but the anxiety meds are helping me so I can calm down and just sleep anyways. My husband bought me some acidophilus, that has been WAY helpful with the constant nausea.

    How's everyone else doing? I've been trying to stay away from the forums and google a lot lately. It makes me feel better mentally when I'm not CONSTANTLY thinking about my disease lol

    This is an interesting question. About 15 years ago, I would wake up with my bed shaking and ask everyone if we had had an earthquake. The answer was always no. As this is the midwest, we maybe get an earthquake once every ten years and never enough to shake a bed.

    I thought maybe they were seizures, but had no insurance or time, so couldn't see a doc for it. Eventually, maybe a year or two later, it quit happening and hasn't come back since.
    I do not have MS. I have Whatchamacallit; and all of the symptoms are mirages.


      sort of

      when my brother park the car and runs in to a store i always think he left the engine on but the keys are gone

      when in bed at night i get a visit from the "ghost kitty". the bed seems to shake as if a cat is scratching very fast but my cats are not their.

      i think this is internal tremors that you feel but no one can see.



        I've felt those too. I've heard they are made worse when you move your head so are looking down. does something to spinal cord. But I've never caught myself in the act. Tremors are bizarre.


          I get internal tremors inside my HEAD only when I am laying on my side. It has actually wakened me up. Dont know why or how to stop them, but it does not happen often and for me ONLY when I am laying down about to go to sleep or when I am sleeping.

          Just make sure you are in a safe place and not walking when this happens. You"ll be ok..isn't it fun how neuro sysptoms get our attention?

          Take care

          I believe in miracles~!
          2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
          Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


            Wow. I just woke up from a nap with a startle from the phone ringing. As I stood up to walk across the room, my whole upper body felt like it was pulsating quickly. Over the course of about 15 minutes it settled down into more of a mild buzzing, the a fuzzy feeling, and now it's gone finally.

            Is this what an internal tremor feels like?
            I do not have MS. I have Whatchamacallit; and all of the symptoms are mirages.


              I live in Socal, so the ground is constantly rumbling out here. Bad enough to crack our pool.. Not making fun of you, but I know sometimes it must feel like the ground is moving, not in a good way.



                I also live in So Cal and last earthquake, 6 months ago? I was in a bicycle shop and bikes started swinging and swaying. I noticed it, but I'm rocking like that all the time.

                I thought it was kind of weird because I was talking to the owner and he has ms also.

                I feel like George Jetson, " Jane, get me off this crazy thing" I wish.




                    I always think there is an earthquake. Like maybe once a week. I am so used to it that I just look at blinds or plants to see if they are moving and they never are. I have not ever brought this up to a neuro. I don't know what it is or why I feel like this. It's annoying though.

