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Copaxone and mouth sores

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    Copaxone and mouth sores

    I've been on Copaxone for almost a year now and since using it I keep getting severe canker sore outbreaks. I have always gotten a couple of canker sores per year, but these are outbreaks with several sores almost every month. I read in the literature that mouth sores are an uncommon side effect. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Thanks, Jade

    mouth sores

    Hi Jade

    I've been on Copaxone about 6 years and have never experienced that - although I do get mouth sores from orange juice and other acidic foods. Of course It's possible Copaxone is causing it.
    My first (and last) steriod infusion I got severe thrush in my mouth - very painful. It was over the holidays so no one returned my call. I read on the Web it was a possible side effect. So I did what I always do for a sore throat. Rinsed my mouth several times a day with warm salt water and frequently flossed and brushed teeth. I had it under control by the time I got a call back from the doctor office.



      I get "sores too, but im not sure what they are.. they go away, they dont hurt their almost clear and I wasnt getting them until I began copax in 06?? what are ur sore like?


        Mine are very painful mouth sores similar to canker sores. They are painful enough that I normally loose some weight during the oubreak because I can't' eat. They last about 10 days. Jade

