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    On 2 occasions, I applied ice to the site after the shot and a pillow on top w/ my laptop. I developed "hive like" spots (but not hives)
    I vaguely recall the nurse years ago saying that the area should not be rubbed bc it was like little crystals? under the skin? Does this sound familiar to anyone? Do you think it is just from the weight of the laptop or should I be leary?
    dx summer 07, confirmed fall 07 started Copaxone 12/07 Switched to Tecfediera 2014

    "Life is not about waiting for the storms to's about learning how to dance in the rain."

    I'd stay away from the icing before and after.

    It seems to bring blood to the surface and causes bruising.

    After I inject myself, I take the alcohol pad and with a finger or two, press the shot areas (it kind of itches. so pressing helps).
    My biggest helper is the Benadryl Anti-itch gel I apply to the injection area.
    It feels cool and also really does help with stopping the itching feeling.

    My opinion is no laptop or pillow needed.


      When I was on Copaxone I developed red welts at the injection site more often than not. It would last for a couple days and sometimes itched like crazy. I think that bendadry cream mentioned before would proablably help with the itch.


        I have only been on Copaxone for 2 months so I do not have much experience. However, for me, my shots on my stomach and hips do the best. It seems that the pressure of my jeans on my hip/stomach helps. My arms and thighs get more of a rubbing/movement from the pants/shirt and that seems to cause more irritation and itching. I think I would do best to put on a body suit after each shot to apply light pressure and avoid the rubbing of clothes...but my kids wouldn't want to wake up to that each day! Ha!


          Copaxone 2 1/2 years

          It seemed to get easier for me. The injections in the upper thigh gave me the worst problems so I told my doctor that I would no longer do that as part of my shot rotation. When he told me that I needed to keep that in my rotation, I told him that he and my hubby together would not be big enough to make me shoot in my legs again! Now I rotate Hip/hip/arm/arm/tummy/tummy and I haven't had the reactions( itching n welts) anymore. I haven't missed a dose yet and now I don't have any problems after my injections. It does get easier. I think my body adjusted to the medication so that is my theory as to why I have no post-injection reactions anymore. I hope that my experience helps you to stick with your medications. Don't stop injecting before you talk to your doctor. Shared Solutions also provides a RN that you can talk to about your injection reactions and what you may be able to do to keep the reactions as small as possible.
          Take care,
          All sunsets are beautiful, but the most amazing sunsets have a few clouds.


            Copaxone Reaction

            I've been on Copax 2 1/2 years now.
            Mild reactions to the shots have decreased significantly over time till now I hardly see any.

            After my shot (I use the autoinject) I use a cotton ball to press down on the injection site. This pushes the medicine deaper into the skin, which seems to help.

            I also take Zirtech (an OTC antihistamine) daily. This seems to have stopped the itching I used to get at injection sites.

            Personally, I have found Copax to be easy to use and effective at delaying my relapses. I've gone 2 1/2 years with no major relapse (that I'm aware of). I still have residual symptoms from previous flares but nothing I can't deal with at the moment.

            Hang in there.


              Thanks to all. I really appreciate your feedback. The anti itch cream helped a little and I must avoid stretch marks...ugh! This week has been better. The MS specialist said if it did continue he would ok me to so an injection 5x per week but I really want to stay on course w/ 7 as long as I can.
              dx summer 07, confirmed fall 07 started Copaxone 12/07 Switched to Tecfediera 2014

              "Life is not about waiting for the storms to's about learning how to dance in the rain."


                Hang in there. Seems to me from everything I have read on this site, it gets easier with time.

