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Lyrica and Alcohol

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    Lyrica and Alcohol

    I'm too embarrased to ask my doctor about this...don't want to seem like a lush.

    Is drinking any alcohol prohibited while on Lyrica?

    I only have one, maybe two, drinks a year on special occasions but I don't want to risk anything.
    ~Piper - DX'd 2/2010 - Mama, Wife, Working gal

    I take Lyrica and have a glass of wine every week and have no problems with that, but everyone is different. I'd check with the doctor. He or she is human and I bet drinks!


      The official Lyrica prescribing information says: "Tell patients to avoid consuming alcohol while taking LYRICA, as LYRICA may potentiate the impairment of motor skills and sedating effects of alcohol." That means that Lyrica can make a person "more drunk" on even small amounts of alcohol. It doesn't mean that a few sips of wine will cause permanent brain damage.

      If you can stop yourself at a couple of ounces of wine -- say, in a wine spritzer -- you can try it and see what effect it has on your motor skills. But don't try this out by knocking back a double margarita with an extra shooter on an empty stomach!

      If you're embarrassed to ask your doctor about this, ask the pharmacist where you have your prescription filled. The pharmacist has probably seen enough real lushes to know you're not one.


        I took Lyrica for a short time. I did drink a few times while on it, and I must say that it definitely increases the effects of alcohol. After just a drink or two, I felt like I drank a whole case. Anyways, I stopped taking it. I couldn't function when I was on it. Not because of the alcohol lol.

