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MS Related?

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    MS Related?

    I have started getting flu like symptoms. I feel like I have a fever (but I don't) I get in bed freezing and sweat and sweat like I have the flu and breaking a fever. Then I sleep for hours and hours. This usually starts with nausea. While I am in bed I am only half there, like when you have really bad flu and going in and out. This happens maybe once a month

    Are you on any medications for your MS ?

    My Betaseron has given me some sporadic flu symptoms.


      the DMD's such as betaseron are notorioius for this kind of reaction- i used to have similar issues, fever, sweating sever fatigue - for a few hours after the shot so i used to take them at night, take a dose of tylenol just befire the shot to help control fever and then i would try to sleep through the worst - over time the reaction eased and now i only get the red skin blotch

      speaking as a nurse there are quite a few things that can cause night sweats and the kind of symptoms you describe so i would mention it to your MO and not assume it is jut the DMD's


        I am on Tysabri. The sleeping is over and I am really weak, can't eat because of queasy stomach. My scalp seems to be crawling. I don't know how to explain that better except it feels like something is under my scalp moving around.


          Maybe Hormones?

          Keep track of when this is happening to you. Is it on a 'cycle'? Could it be hormonal, maybe when you're ovulating?
          I have had different symptoms but something similiar happening to me for almost a year. Once a month (& yes, it's on a cycle) I'll feel really nauseous for a few days (like I'm pregnant), extra tired, more-than-usual trouble sleeping & the sure enough after 3-7 days, I'll start spotting. Something to think about anyway.


            Nope that isn't it. I don't have cycles :-)

