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Lots of pain today.

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    Lots of pain today.

    I woke up this morning with LOTS of pain in my legs. I am not sure why I am having so much pain today. Normally when I over do it during the day I will have pain, but yesterday I didn't do a whole heck of a lot (Had a counseling appt and went to dinner with my husband and kids) At about 11:00 I took a baclofen and went to lay down for a while. It took me a long time to fall asleep because my legs kept "jumping" I woke up and felt a little better but now it is getting worse again. This is the most pain I have been in since all my problems started back in April.
    Diagnosed June 2010. Started Betaseron July 2010.

    Aww, Shannon. I feel for you! Pain is the worst. Hopefully it will pass.
    It is 90+ degrees here in PA and that does it for me. Maybe a cool drink will help both of us!

