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MS moment

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    MS moment

    I really think one way of dealing with my illness is to poke fun at it.

    I'm a R.N working 12 hr shifts in an E.R and on days when my stress is overwhelming and I'm not able to multitask as usual instead of my blond moment, I simply say "Oh well I'm having a MS moment.

    I hate this disease and refuse to let it get the best of me. I Rebuke it back to the devil himself. Let him be wobly with double vision.

    Haven't posted in awhile, but I love all of you and may God Bless us everyone.

    "All things are possible through Christ Jesus who strengthens thee" Phil 4:13

    my saying

    haha. That's funny.

    I got this one from my step mother who also has MS. Whenever I drop something, I say out loud "Well it's the first day with my new hands" Honestly makes me laugh every time.

    I also bought a staples "easy" button. I use it all day! Especially after completing a task that was really challenging. It helps me to rid of the frustration and enables me to move forward and not dwell on how difficult something was.

    I think humor and MS go hand in hand. I don't know what I would do with out it.


      I crack jokes about it all the time, much to my husband's dismay ( he's a sensitive guy). But i figure, I'm stuck with this stinkin' disease might as well entertain myself in the meantime!


        Yes, I've just recently started being humorous about my symptoms. I was laughing last night as I was telling my husband that sometimes my body feels like someone plugged me into a big battery and administered short waves of electric shocks throughout my body and it feels like putting your fingers in the light socket when you were a kid.

        He just stares at me like "why is this lady laughing so hard about something as serious as this?"

        I just say, Well, at least I can laugh about it now and am comfortable knowing that I'm not going to die over it.


          I laugh at myself all the time. I don't know what I would do if I didn't make fun of it. I have to laugh at it and remember that it can always get worse. I call myself, "A deer caught in the headlights". Keep up the humor.


            Yes, the sick sense of humor we get with MS. I start my day by saying, "well, I guess it is time to go shoot myself." And then I laugh.

            I love the "first day with new hands" comment. I may just have to steal that one! And add "first day with these feet", etc.


              Sometimes I laugh because it's easier than crying...

              Or maybe it's an inappropriate emotional response - i'm never sure!

              One night I woke up with the worst spasms in my big toe - it was pointed up, and I had to pull it back down with my hands, because it wouldn't go back down by itself. Then it kept doing it! I'm moaning from the pain and moving my foot around, trying to find a better position so it'll stop doing that and having no luck, when I start laughing.
              "Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it" - Michel de Montaigne
              Diagnosed May 2007, relapsing-remitting

