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Been gone a while but- Hip Pain!

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    Been gone a while but- Hip Pain!

    Hello. I used to post here several years ago when first diagnosed with MS. Used Avonex for 3-4 years then quit after Hurricane K- blah. I go up and down, but luckily mostly up- periodic weak legs and lots of fatigue. However, lately I have been having a LOT of pain in my right hip. A pinching pain that makes me grimace. It seems more of a mechanical pain though, such as when sitting or getting up from sitting position (I also have major pain in both legs when standing from squatting to do something, like muscles get stuck/freeze up, but that's a whole other issue)

    Question is, does anyone have sciatica along with MS, because I am wondering if this is sciatica and not related to the MS. Is there really anything that can be done for this aside from neurontin (I have it, I take it)? I don't see my neuro as much as I should and don't want to waste time with this if there is nothing that can be done anyway.

    Anyone else have a pinching/stabbing pain like this with MS? Getting old sure complicates figuring out what's what, eh? Thing is, I'm also having a stabbing pain in right side of top of hand, which does make me wonder if it is some MS stuff, as I know that is nerve pain- had that one before.

    Thanks for any input.

    I have hip pain also. Mine is more of a locking up while walking type pain. I also have shingles just above my butt crack (lovely location) that causes me to have sciatic nerve pain down my legs. I do not think they are MS related because I also have a bulging disk in my lower back that I blame my hip pain on.
    "Therefore we do not give up, but even if the man we are outside is wasting away, certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day." 2 Cor. 4:16


      Well, I've had sciatica and pain in the hip flexors, which is very similar to sciatica. I recall reading that the hip flexors are very prone to spasticity.

      If you are sitting and cross that hip's leg with the ankle on your knee and lean forward you stretch the hip flexor muscle. That may give you a clue that is what is irritated.

      Wish I could be more specific to help. My sciatic pain was more in the butt area and ran down the back of my leg. Hope you can get some relief. Light stretching seems to help.


        Thanks, both. I just tried the cross leg thing and the muscle on the leg that hurts is definitely tighter and that hurt! But it's all in the name of science! hmmm. Will look into it some more. Thanks for both replies (I couldn't find this post yesterday and figured it didn't get posted). So maybe that flexor muscle is spazzed out. I have also noticed lately that when i am walking in hard souled shoes and can hear my shoes my right leg slams down harder, although i don't notice any limping or anything else.

        wifey, sorry about those shingles- never had them but friends who have were in major pain. Neurontin works for that too supposedly.

        Take care.


          Nothing like uncertainty

          For the last two weeks I have had weakness in my left leg. For the last week or so I have had pain in my left buttocks and leg. Having had sciatica before, I don't think this is sciatica. I would characterize it as sorness. I should mention that beginning in August this year I have had a recurrence of my neurological symptoms: tiningling in face; Left arm; left leg; and occassional tingling in my right lower leg. The left leg weakness is new and very troublesome since I climb around on locomotives a lot. I am not diagnosed because up until now I only had one occurance of symtoms. It is very frustrating, but I see it is no less frustrating having a diagnosis; the symptoms can be so illusive, transitory and vague. Every new symptom makes me wonder is this something neurological, or just one of those aches and pains everyone gets?

          I operate on certain assumptions: 1) Our bodies are mortal. 2) Our souls are not. 3) There is a Creator. 4) He loves us. 5) He is not silent. 6) He took the trouble to enter history in order to restore us to Himself.

