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Not "officially" diagnosed, but having probs since LP

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    Not "officially" diagnosed, but having probs since LP

    Hi, I'm new. I've been reading the forum for a while, but just decided to join. My neurologist keeps dancing around MS and sarcoidosis. I had my LP last Wednesday and I still feel awful. No headaches or bleeding out or anything, but I have had bouts of weakness in my legs and my lower back just aches and aches. Has anyone else had these problems?

    Hello Sportsmom


    I had my LP last Wednesday and I still feel awful. No headaches or bleeding out or anything, but I have had bouts of weakness in my legs and my lower back just aches and aches.
    Are your bouts of leg weakness and lower back aches new since having your LP?

    It might be wise to let your neuro know about this if it continues.

    I have leg weakness and sometimes lower back aches, but they're a part of my MS package.

    Hopefully your symptoms will resolve soon.

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      No, the back pain has been going on forever, but worse since the LP and the leg weakness happened a few times before it, but more often now. I don't know if it's a relapse coming on coincidentally or if it's from the LP. I will ask my neuro. Thanks for your advice and support! It's nice to have others that feel like you do and experience some of the same things.

