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Help me to Think ??!!

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    Help me to Think ??!!

    I am seeking the wisdom of my fellow MSers. Please advise me as what options there are available to help increase my cognitive function.

    It seems as if the fog is bad most of the time. It gets real hard to think and do things.

    The neuro. did not have any suggestions. Is there anything besides word games, puzzles, computer games that will help me. It really scares me how bad the cognitive changes are.

    On a rare good day I can do errands safely. Other days I sit at home unable to do much because I can't think. I feel so empty headed. It is sooo frustrating.

    What helps me is to write things down. If it is a paper note I put it in my pocket, I will forget it, but eventually find it in my pocket. Not a great system, but it does work. All future things are put on my schedule on my Palm Pilot, only way to remember even regular things.

    There are days where thinking just isn't working. Those days I just don't try much.
    Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


      Type "improve cognitive ability" in your search engine and there are a large number of websites with helpful information like the one below.
      Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth. Unknown


        What I want you to know is that I understand and am sorry for what you are going through. Many here struggle cognitively.

        A while back, I was in bad shape with cog fog, memory issues, poor balance with slurring speech as well. The neurologist ordered a week of oral steroids and it really improved. Our brains can have inflammation problems causing these issues.

        Next time when fatigue was so bad I could hardly walk or hold up my head, I took time off of work. I saw a nutritionist. He had this amazing evaluation tool, and got me into a nutritional program to detox any heavy chemicals, or toxins stored while building up my systems. Its soo exact that you ONLY get the nutritional product for as long as your body needs it (not indefinitely like so many RX) and the dose is custom made.

        My Neurologist was amazed. My balance, memory and speech improved without steroids this time.

        So.. dont foget, our brains/body systems are very much lacking NUTRIENTS and a good, safe detox for our malfunctioning livers. Trust me, doctors dont practice anymore using nutrition, but some are more involved. They just aren't taught how to use nutrition anymore.

        So yes you CAN improve. And Yes your doc may not know how to help you besides Steroids as I mentioned.

        Good luck.. and yes keep using your brain as much as you can..testing your memory..writing things down.. rehearsing to keep your brain functions fresh.

        There also is Cognitive rehab provided..ask your doc if there is a place that offers that near you.

        Best to you.. let us know how you are doing ok?

        Warmly, Jan
        I believe in miracles~!
        2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
        Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


          I have only recently begun to have cognitive impairment. It is really amazing how much of my daily life is affected by it. I am an admin (secretary) at work and I have found it particularly hard to function on the job.

          I don't know if its just time (symptoms gradually improving after initial relapse) or actually using my brain like exercising it, but I have gotten some of my mental sharpness back. I can't multi task like I used to, have to take one task at a time and I can't think as fast or find the words as quickly, but I still try and it has gotten better. Maybe for me it just wasn't permanent yet. ????

          Like I said, this issue is new to me, it happened about a month ago with what I believe to be a real kick in the butt relapse.


            Have you considered Ritalin? It's commonly prescribed for ADHD, but I had a neuro-psycologist recommend it.


              Hey Rosey!

              I'm sorry to hear you are going through this. This is my most hated sx. I don't like the fact that I can no longer tell my brain what to do. I just wanted to write to let you know that you aren't alone. My husband has to turn off the breaker that controls the stove and oven when he leaves or I will burn the house down forgetting that I have something on. Also, I forget if I've just gone to the bathroom. I forget how old I am when people ask.

              This morning I was in the shower and I thought I heard myself say something but couldn't remember. My husband said "Yea, I know what you mean". I said "What do you mean? Did I say something?"

              He says "You just told me you wish you could stay in the shower forever." I said "I did? Did I say something out loud because I don't remember saying it?"

              He says "Well hell, now I don't remember."

              One can slowly predict what we will be like in our 80s. He has trouble hearing but thinks I said something. I will forget if I did or not LOL!

              Anyways, a bunch of hugs and love to you. Here is a site you might find useful:


              And thank you Snuzzer for suggesting a search engine search. I have been looking for this too but didn't know what to search for.



                You may want to seek out a neuropsychologist. They do more then just perform tests. They can evaluate your cognitive function and have different tools available to increase cognitive function. They will work with you regarding your specific issues. It can't hurt to try.



                  Before I knew I had MS I was taking adderal for adult ADD. it helps me. Mainly it helps my fatigue. Still with all the awesome drugs I still find it hard to get out of bed. As soon as I reach over take 60mg of Aderall I usually fall back to sleep. When I wake up I have the will to go do what I need to do. Without it I wouldn't get out of bed at all. My dr also has me on Nuvidal. It's probably helping but I can't tell. As far as cognative issues.. Memory etc. I think it helps.

