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Any tips for manual Beta injection ?

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    How is it going?

    I've been on betaseron for 6 months now. I HATE the auto injector. I was getting bruising and such. I know I'll always have some sort of mark from injecting but once I switched to manual injections it got much better.

    My advice, get the needle in fast but push the medication in slowly. Massage the area immediately afterward with a warm washcloth.

    As for pinching your skin, for my arm I have the best luck sitting in a dining room share. I prop my arm on the chair and let the back of the chair sort of squish my arm for me.

    I stopped having my fiance do my injections because I tend to move a little without realizing it and he does too. It's easier to be steady on yourself.

    I can't reach my butt too well so I've taken to doing my love handle and that's actually the most comfortable spot I inject into!

    The manual thing becomes easy with time and is much better than the noisy crazy autoinjector.
    Symptoms Oct 2009, Dx Feb 2010. betaseron 2/10-2/12. Copaxone 3/12- present.


      Im wondering if doing it manually was a good idea. The spot on my arm where we did the shot is VERY sore and VERY red and hot to the touch. It is even more sore than what I would get with the auto injector. The redness is pretty much the same. I have never had a injection site be hot to the touch before. Tonight is shot night again and it is in my "butt" I will do it manually again and hope it wont be like the last one.
      Diagnosed June 2010. Started Betaseron July 2010.


        Hubby did my backside injection this morning using the auto-injector. So far just a little bit of tenderness. The last manual one I did on my leg is very, very sore, but no bruise yet (2 days ago). The manual one on my abdomen is a huge ugly purple and brown bruise (6 days ago).

        I am getting so frustrated at always hurting from the injections when I felt so good before I started them. Plus I'm having sleep problems, and had some flu symptoms. I know I need to give it a little more time, but I am just about stretched to the end of my rope. Sorry to whine, but I just hate this and none of my friends really understand even though they listen to me complain.


          Originally posted by cosake View Post
          Hubby did my backside injection this morning using the auto-injector. So far just a little bit of tenderness. The last manual one I did on my leg is very, very sore, but no bruise yet (2 days ago). The manual one on my abdomen is a huge ugly purple and brown bruise (6 days ago).
          That is how it is on my stomach. I have a bruise that is almost a month old and it is just now finally starting to fade.

          I am getting so frustrated at always hurting from the injections when I felt so good before I started them. Plus I'm having sleep problems, and had some flu symptoms. I know I need to give it a little more time, but I am just about stretched to the end of my rope. Sorry to whine, but I just hate this and none of my friends really understand even though they listen to me complain.

          I am so right there with you!! I HATE doing these shots. I can see every injection site that I have done for the past 3 weeks. I am tired of bumping the site or resting my arm on my leg and always hitting that spot. When I do my "hip, butt" area it hurts to lay on that side at night when I sleep.
          Diagnosed June 2010. Started Betaseron July 2010.



            Although it sucks, it is nice to have someone in the same boat as I am, and feeling the same way that I feel.

            I still have red spots from injections that I did 6 weeks ago.

            Are you diagnosed as RRMS ? I am still at an MS-CIS (Clinically Isolated Syndrome) diagnosis as I have only had one proven flare-up (ON in January which led to MS diagnosis).

            So, knowing it's still only MS-CIS, I feel like my best option may be to try the Beta for a little longer, and if things don't improve, I will go off of it. I can't see being miserable taking a med that we don't even know if it's really doing anything beneficial for me. The neuro said I could stay at MS-CIS for 5 or 10 years (or it could change tomorrow, of course) but it's better start a med early. After blood work, MRIs and an LP I agreed to TRY a med.

            Now I'm thinking that I may be better off with closer monitoring and more frequent MRIs instead. It's such a huge decision, but I didn't have any decline or change in symptoms or lesions over 7 months time before I started on the Betaseron.


              Well, My neuro said I most likely have RRMS but we wont really know for sure until after 1 year. She said I have to have MRIs to monitor the lesions. I only have 1 lesion. I started having problems in April and had lots and lots of tests done. I had a spinal done and it confirmed that I had MS. I just had a MRI done a few weeks ago and it showed no changes in the lesion I do have and also no new lesions. I go back in February/March for another MRI to make sure the Betaseron is doing its job. I am hoping and praying that it works and I dont have any new lesions of a relapse. I hate doing these shots and I hate the bruising and pain! If I have to do this every other day it better be working!
              Diagnosed June 2010. Started Betaseron July 2010.


                I have four lesions that haven't changed in 9 months.

                And I've only had vaguely annoying minor symptoms like hot and cold patches of skin and some vibrations in my knee and hip, etc. Nothing that even needs to be treated.

                I know that can change any minute, but I can only take so much of the treatment if it's making me feel ten times worse than before I was taking it. I'd like to have a good quality of life while I'm still able to be mobile and active.

                Unless something changes drastically in the next few weeks, I am not planning to continue with the injections. The MS NP said that she would be comfortable if I stopped them and went on increased monitoring (more frequent MRIs, etc.) for now. I can always change my mind and start back up again if I feel I need to.

                I hope that things even out for you as well. Does your husband do all of your injections for you ? If so, you may want to try doing it yourself and see if it makes a difference.


                  Originally posted by cosake View Post

                  I hope that things even out for you as well. Does your husband do all of your injections for you ? If so, you may want to try doing it yourself and see if it makes a difference.
                  He has only done my last 2 shots. Those are the only ones we have done manually. The first one on my arm didn't go so well, but last night was in my hip and I didn't even feel it. He took his time actually injecting the medication (30 seconds) and I didn't feel a thing and so far all I have is a small red mark where the needle went in. Hopefully tomorrows shot will go just as well.
                  Diagnosed June 2010. Started Betaseron July 2010.


                    I will cross my fingers for you.

                    The one in my backside from yesterday morning is tender, but not as tender as some of my other ones. I'm hoping tomorrow's goes OK too.

                    I'm just tired of feeling like crap, and cringing when anyone comes near me because I don't want them to touch an injection spot. I'm actually walking funny right now between the one in my left thigh and the one in my right butt.

                    I think I'm going to relax with an adult beverage this evening . . . I think I deserve it !


                      As you learn about injecting manually, which is a great way to go... remember to ROTATE injection sites REGULARLY.
                      It is so important to do.

                      I'm not the kind to map out things perfectly each time.
                      For me, feeling to see what area is not lumpy or painful (I used to take Beta but now use Copax) is a candidate for a shot.
                      I also inject outside of charted areas, but my doc thinks that is fine.
                      Something that helps me is so exhale slowly through my mouth (like Yoga breathing) when injecting.
                      It keeps me from tensing my body.


                        Originally posted by cosake View Post
                        I will cross my fingers for you.

                        The one in my backside from yesterday morning is tender, but not as tender as some of my other ones. I'm hoping tomorrow's goes OK too.
                        My arm is very tender and so is my leg from the shot before that one. I hate how long it takes for the redness and tenderness to go away. I hope tomorrow's injection goes well for both of us. We need to keep each other updated on how its going.

                        I'm just tired of feeling like crap, and cringing when anyone comes near me because I don't want them to touch an injection spot. I'm actually walking funny right now between the one in my left thigh and the one in my right butt.
                        I hear ya!! My kids always seem to hit "the spot" when they give me a hug or come sit with me I cant get mad at them though, I dont want them to not hug me or sit with me.

                        I think I'm going to relax with an adult beverage this evening . . . I think I deserve it !
                        You sure do deserve it!!
                        Diagnosed June 2010. Started Betaseron July 2010.


                          Last nights shot was in my arm and it didn't go well, again. The shot hurt and I could feel the medication going in. I felt like I was going to pass out. I am thinking that my arms are not a good place for me. I still have to try my stomach and thighs with doing it manually.
                          Diagnosed June 2010. Started Betaseron July 2010.


                            I had my flu shot this AM and asked my PCP to give me my Beta shot, which she gladly did. She seemed to have it done awfully quickly and painlessly. So far no tenderness from the Beta, just from the flu shot in the muscle. Had to do both in same arm because my other arm is out of rotation due to multiple issues with my last 3 injections.

                            I started a new symptom this weekend that may be Beta-related -- heart palpitations. My PCP listened to my heart and said it sounds fine; I checked carotid pulse and it is normal during a palpitation, so it isn't an arrythmia.

                            I called the MS Clinic and my nurse and NP are both out today. The nurse covering took detailed notes and said they will call me back tomorrow.

                            I think I need to stop doing the injections. I am exhausted but can't sleep -- even on days with no injections. Have flu-like symptoms every day, have bad injection site reactions and I have no energy or motivation to do anything besides watch TV or read a book. I can't stand people sitting near me or hugging me for fear of someone touching an injection site. It's hard to wear my pants because of the sore sites in my abdomen. I barely have the energy to cook a meal sometimes. And all of this started with the Betaseron. I felt great and had energy before this.

                            So, I'm being a total whine*** about all of this but I am at the end of my rope. Hoping the MS clinic agrees with me.

                            Good luck on your next injection and I'll keep you posted.

