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Odd feeling on leg

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    Odd feeling on leg

    I told this to my doctor this past Wednesday (8 SEP), but he seemed to ignore me completely. I have been experiencing a cool, wet feeling on the front of my legs. Mostly my left leg. When I first felt it, I was walking up the stair with my water bottle and thought it spilled down my leg. It came and went in a short amount of time, but I get it several times a day now and it has been about 2 weeks.

    Should I go to back and try to get a new neuro and see him/her or is this just an annoying thing I can expect and live with. It is really just an annoyance. I just want to be sure that it isn't something I should worry about.

    odd feeling in leg

    I know exactly what you mean. I've had the same thing, but more commonly it has been on my foot. I'll be walking and think I've stepped in water (of course blaming my dogs for an accident) then I'll feel my sock and it is dry. It drives me nuts. I've also felt warm patches on my leg, also.
    And yes, the MS specialist I told just looked at me like I was nuts.


      feel like a drip

      I commonly get the wet feeling on the top of my head and occasionally on the bottom of my feet. The doc won't show much (if any) concern because odd sensations are very common with MS. As long as it isn't interfering with your life, it's just an annoyance to get used to unfortunately.


        I always thought this was an offshoot of the phantom limb effect. I'm thinking our brains are expecting communication with a bad nerve. It never shows up so the brain makes something up, instead.



          Glad that you told your doc about your weird sensations. I would imagine you will get many responses on your question. Like myself, many of us with M.S. experience crazy/weird/uncommon sensations. I have a handful that creep up on me, and have heard an abundance of others that have strange sensations. You will get used to them, but DO pay attention and let your doc know about them. Doc may "blow them off" too, but it is not wise to blame EVERYTHING on M.S.

          Be well and good luck with dealing with all of the bizzaro "gifts" that M.S. gives you.

          Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.


            Oh Yeah... I know that feeling!LOL!

            I have had that feeling for years on and off. Not as much lately as my Sx have changed.
            But when I was first seeing a neuro and told him it felt like someone was pouring hot and cold water down my right leg, he was like ... "Hhmmm, I don't know if that is an MS Sx? It doesn't sound 'consistant' with MS."
            OK fast forward about 15 years, uh yes it is consistant with MS Sx as I have heard that a lot of other MS'rs have had it too. Go figure!


              It's called paresthesia and it's one of those annoying nerve things that you just have to live with, unfortunately. You can take Neurontin or Lyrica, which might help a bit; but, if you're like me, you'll still have those and other weird sensations from time to time (like imaginary hairs brushing your skin, buzzing sensations, shooting nerve pains like being jabbed by a needle, etc.)


              Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
              Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
              Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


                Thanks all!

                At least I know I am not crazy!

