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    Hello guys let me introduce myself real quick

    I'm a 22 year old male medical student (having exams in 2 weeks!!) currently facing symptoms of MS.

    When I came back from my trip to Ecuador, I was bombarded with stroke symptoms. Regions that were numb included my face, left small and ring digit, thumb, ulnar region, triceps, shoulder, back muscles, outside of my thigh, shin, and small digit of toe (only my left half). I felt like I was not processing efficiently and easily confused. I went to the doctor right away and got MRI scans done on my brain and neck...all clear.

    So its been awhile since then (happened in August), yet I still continue to experience random numbness that usually comes after working out or dancing. This has been really affecting me because I used to jog 8 miles almost daily and then drop to 2 after an injury. Now with this problem I don't even wish to dare jog a quarter mile!. I'll do push-ups, sit-ups, leg-lifts, and stretch regions that feel numb which helps out a lot. Lately however the numbness has switch to burning in some regions and I sometimes experience fatigue in my right side which usually enough occurs when the numbness goes completely away on my left side.

    Its really frustrating and worst of all depressing. I've been to many doctors all stating that its just medical school anxiety. I had the symptoms when I was on vacation so I can't believe that it has anything to do with stress. I sometimes wonder if going through 4 years of med school and then residency is worth it when I'll probably be handicapped at the end of it.

    Help?? what should I do to rule out MS???


    Have you had a lumbar puncture? If not I think that would be a good next step for you. Don't hesitate to come back here for support!
    I want to add that finishing medical school certainly WILL be worth it. Kudos to you, what an awesome achievement!


      Hi and welcome to MSWorld, I know how scary all these symptoms your having are!

      I agree with cocoH, a lumbar puncture would be your next step.

      Good luck with your exams! I know it's hard not to worry about all the symptoms your experiencing now. To worry is human nature. Hope you can find a good neuro that will help see you through all this and cover all the tests that can be given. Have you had blood tests too?

      Very impressive jogging too! Hopefully you will be able to do that again! I too have a weak leg and fing that stretching exercises do help alot!

      Good luck and hope you find an answer, would be great if you could come back and let us know how you doing. This is such a great place to come to for support, advice and to be with people that are going thru alot of the same symptoms as yourself. Take care, Kathy


        Hello! Welcome to MS World!

        It sounds like everything you have been experiecing is very scary and frustrating. Especially as you are so young and a student wanting to spend a lifetime in medicine.

        Despite the outcome, follow your dreams and your heart. This maybe helpful for you, but google Dr. Shaffer, a neurologist in Greeley, CO. He was dxd with MS in medical school and ended up going into neurology. Personally, I don't know him but have heard him speak. Talk about a doctor that truly understands his patients!!

        A hard part of any illness is the patience required as we wait for diagnosis of weird and strange symptoms that can be many different things. You have many friends here at MS World that are in that same situation, so feel free to come here for support.

        Many people here really care and can lend support and lift you up when you need it!


          Hello! Welcome to MS World!

          It sounds like everything you have been experiecing is very scary and frustrating. Especially as you are so young and a student wanting to spend a lifetime in medicine.

          Despite the outcome, follow your dreams and your heart. This maybe helpful for you, but google Dr. Shaffer, a neurologist in Greeley, CO. He was dxd with MS in medical school and ended up going into neurology. Personally, I don't know him but have heard him speak. Talk about a doctor that truly understands his patients!!

          A hard part of any illness is the patience required as we wait for diagnosis of weird and strange symptoms that can be many different things. You have many friends here at MS World that are in that same situation, so feel free to come here for support.

          Many people here really care and can lend support and lift you up when you need it!


            Originally posted by LW4816 View Post
            Hello guys let me introduce myself real quick

            I'm a 22 year old male medical student (having exams in 2 weeks!!) currently facing symptoms of MS.

            When I came back from my trip to Ecuador, I was bombarded with stroke symptoms. Regions that were numb included my face, left small and ring digit, thumb, ulnar region, triceps, shoulder, back muscles, outside of my thigh, shin, and small digit of toe (only my left half). I felt like I was not processing efficiently and easily confused. I went to the doctor right away and got MRI scans done on my brain and neck...all clear.
            The part in bold caught my eye because you just described to a T what I've experienced during my most recent exacerbation. My Neuro, when I first went in with my new set of symptoms pegged a lesion at C7 and he was right on the money. The burning pain sensation you describe sounds nerve-related, and I'm quite familiar with it.

            Just out of curiosity, did they use contrast when you had your MRI? Back in '08 before I was diagnosed, they only did an MRI without and nothing showed up in the brain. Three months later, and only with contrast, BLING, there they were. Maybe it's possible that should you have any lesions forming, they're too small to detect right now, and perhaps you should schedule a retest in another couple months.

            I know that there are other things that can mimic MS, but you naturally want to leave no stone unturned with this since you'd want to catch it early. Good luck to you and remember what others have said... this isn't the end of your life or career... not by a long shot, and that's assuming it's even MS to begin with.
            dx Transverse Myelitis March/2008 - dx upgraded to RRMS June/2008
            Rebif June/2008
            Tysabri October/2010


              The first thing I noticed about your post was that the symptoms you experience started after you returned from Ecuador. Have you researched the possibilites of insect or water/food-borne illnesses that are indigenous to that part of the world? There's always the possibility that the lousy way you feel is the result of something you picked up during your trip.


                i agree w/ peg.

                as far as ruling out MS, listen it doesn't matter if u got it or not, you can still be a doctor. i am not in a wc but if i was, i wouldn't let that stop me from getting around!!! there's a guy on this site who is in a wc but still does some crazy stuff (i think he is 'hunted' but i am not sure)

                also, keep working out despite the numbness, as long as your heart can take it.

                good luck


                  Frankly, I don't think its MS. The symptoms you have don't register with me and what I have read about symptoms like numbness.

                  My neighbor has similar problems and he was dx'd with a different neurological disease.

                  I wouldn't jump to conclusions and I also wonder if you picked up something in Equador?

                  A clear MRI is good!

                  Hang in there and look for other explanations. Being a med student should give you a leg up on this.

                  You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.


                    Please google LDN, do your homework. I hope you don't have MS, but if you do, you can still have a full life. Find
                    out everything you can. God Bless You.......


                      something VERY important I forgot to mention.

                      The numbness/weakness and burning is only on my left half. My right half is completely unaffected. I hope this may change a lot of things.

