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I think I may have winner for weirdest symptom

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    I think I may have winner for weirdest symptom

    Last week one evening I began to feel electric zaps just inside my left nostril. After the zap I'd sneeze. Zap Oww! sneeze Zap Oww! sneeze over and over. My family and I were sitting here laughing about it cause it was so weird. The zaps were painful and my nose wound up being stuffed up from all the sneezing!

    Maybe I can sneeze my way into a diagnosis, lol!

    Yep, I believe that one wins the prize! LOL!!!
    Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
    Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
    Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


      Sounds as if it could also be an acute allergic reaction to something. Have docs checked that out??????
      Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.


        Yes you can collect your prize! That sounds very painful!


          It was painful!

          It wasn't allergies though, it was electric shock sensations that seemed to trigger my sneeze reflex. It was totally strange.


            You certainly have my vote for the weirdest.

            I hope your feel better and that sx never comes back.
            God Bless Us All


              It doesn't sound weird at all because it has happened to me before. Your trigeminal nerve runs through your nasal area.

              Check it out. The nerve is shown in yellow in the picture on the right side of the page:



                The Trigeminal nerve specifically has sensory and motor branches:


                The ophthalmic nerve carries sensory information from the scalp and forehead, the upper eyelid, the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye, the nose (including the tip of the nose, except alae nasi), the nasal mucosa, the frontal sinuses, and parts of the meninges (the dura and blood vessels).

                The maxillary nerve carries sensory information from the lower eyelid and cheek, the nares and upper lip, the upper teeth and gums, the nasal mucosa, the palate and roof of the pharynx, the maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, and parts of the meninges.

                The mandibular nerve carries sensory information from the lower lip, the lower teeth and gums, the chin and jaw (except the angle of the jaw, which is supplied by C2-C3), parts of the external ear, and parts of the meninges.

                The mandibular nerve carries touch/position and pain/temperature sensation from the mouth. It does not carry taste sensation (chorda tympani is responsible for taste), but one of its branches, the lingual nerve carries multiple types of nerve fibers that do not originate in the mandibular nerve.

                The trigeminal nerve is very complex and very fascinating to learn about!


                  I think you have the prize. I bet it was painful. I am sorry that you have that sx.

                  I am glad that you looked it up. I am going to have to take a look on wikipedia.



                    No, no, she is jamielynn, I am jamilea.

                    This was her thread, not mine but I posted the information about the nerve in the nose LOL!

                    Mama has lost her marbles but our names are pretty close together. We should post in large print lolol


                      yes weird, I will feel like something in touching my nose, so I keep touching it myself to get it away. Luckily no zapping though.

