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A little vent. So tired of tests.

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    A little vent. So tired of tests.

    Why put you all though these battery of tests. I been tested for everything out there now and have about 6 other tests yet to do. This has dragged on for the last year and half. Just wish they could do the doppler test it would save so much time and money.

    I know they don't have all the scientific facts to prove this but so far all the tests they have done patients have had ms that are positive. It would save so much time. Now the other part with the balloon or stint that's another story. But they could run a doppler test. Sorry had to rant a bit. I just heard on the news about ccsvi and it got me worked up. How much proof do they need. I am just worn out for every other test they have put me through and still no answers. arg. sorry....
    Not dx yet, had symptoms now for 4 years. First Neuro App was August 5,10.MRI DEC 8,2010 Finally done. Original MRI was for July 4,2011

    Hello ZUZU

    I know how you feel about the testing. Went through the same battery of endless tests. It got to the point that I really felt they were just trying to load my file with a lot of paper.

    I know you probably don't want to hear this but the have to rule out a bunch of things because MS is a copy cat of so many other things you body can do to you.

    Vent all you need to, we are hear to listen and give you support.


      yeah I know i just been poked and prodded at and viles and viles of tubes of blood. I know its needed but feeling a bit battered. And a whole year left to wait for an mri. Trying to bumb that up and travel else where to get one. So far no word yet. just feeling a little low today i guess. I must say on the bright side my tests have been clear. but no answers.
      Not dx yet, had symptoms now for 4 years. First Neuro App was August 5,10.MRI DEC 8,2010 Finally done. Original MRI was for July 4,2011


        I went through that for over three years, but finally this last year just gave up and said "No more!" Sometimes enough is enough, and I don't even care anymore if whatever this is has a name or not. What's in a name anyway. If it has to have a name, then I'll name it WETHTI (WhatEver The Heck This Is) syndrome. Who knows, maybe they'll give me a grant and I can do my own research and find a cure for WETHTI syndrome. (I really think I need to go to bed. My brain is getting silly. But I can't sleep because my left hand and foot feel like they're on fire and I've got fire ants marching and biting me all over. So much for weaning off of Neurontin!)

        Hang in there.


        Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
        Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
        Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


          Originally posted by zuzu20 View Post
          yeah I know i just been poked and prodded at and viles and viles of tubes of blood. I know its needed but feeling a bit battered. And a whole year left to wait for an mri. Trying to bumb that up and travel else where to get one. So far no word yet. just feeling a little low today i guess. I must say on the bright side my tests have been clear. but no answers.

          Why do you have to wait another yr for an MRI? Is that because of your country's health insurance program?

          That is terrible.

          This would be sneaky, but can't you go to the ER and say you fell a few days ago and banged your head and now you have been having dizzy spells? Maybe then they would schedule one. If they did you could bring it to your doctor.

          Just a thought. Good luck Dear.


            Hi Zuzu,

            Man it sounds like you are my long lost twin!!! I feel the same way. I've been poked, prodded and had so many tests within the last year and a half. I'm almost afraid to look at my chart as it must be filled with numerous pages of nothing. Its gotten to the point now that when I have a test done I'm afraid to get the results. Not because of the possibility of MS, but because they will tell me that they were not able to find anything. Now it seems it would make sense to me if they rule out everything else why can't they start treating me for the one thing it is most likely to be? I just have to keep telling myself that this is real and to keep fighting. Some days are easier than others. Hang in there.


              Originally posted by jsoxfan618 View Post
              Hi Zuzu,

              Man it sounds like you are my long lost twin!!! I feel the same way. I've been poked, prodded and had so many tests within the last year and a half. I'm almost afraid to look at my chart as it must be filled with numerous pages of nothing. Its gotten to the point now that when I have a test done I'm afraid to get the results. Not because of the possibility of MS, but because they will tell me that they were not able to find anything. Now it seems it would make sense to me if they rule out everything else why can't they start treating me for the one thing it is most likely to be? I just have to keep telling myself that this is real and to keep fighting. Some days are easier than others. Hang in there.
              Long lost TRIPLETS!!!


                I know it is so frustrating. I have been poked,prodded and biopsed more then i care to think about. It is all part of trying to get answers.

                It is hard to be tested and tested and then have to wait for more test. When things get draged out for years can be very trying.

                It is good to vent and we all understand how hard it can be. Just know that we are here cherring you on. We are here for you. Lots of ((((((hugs))))))


                  Completely understand

                  I know, it's soooooo darn frustrating!!! I went through it for about a year. I don't have any grand advice just wanted to let you know that many of us understand & have been there. You know what I really HATED?! The first 2 neuro's I went to were always poking me with a safety pin! I can handle giving myself shots, but I wanted to run out of the room when they came at me with that safety pin!
                  Ok, what I really wanted to do was poke THEM with it!!
                  Thankfully the neuro I have now does NOT do that to me!


                    does it ever get easier?

                    wait list is just that. our mri is covered by disability i am on, we don't have insurance here. you pay a min each month depending on how much you earn and us poorer folks we don't pay it's covered. but the flip side is the wait. I am on the island and our town and a high over population of seniors, and special care patients. who need care and it takes up the time on the mri's. And you wouldn't get one any faster if you went through er. I am trying to get one else where. but haven't heard yet. I am now booked in hospital for two bladder tests out patient for next month. ugh. more tests. not looking forward. and to top it off i got a darn cold.

                    Does it ever get easier?
                    Not dx yet, had symptoms now for 4 years. First Neuro App was August 5,10.MRI DEC 8,2010 Finally done. Original MRI was for July 4,2011


                      Can you go to another Province & get the tests faster? My sister-in-law is in Canada (& has MS) so unfortunately, I know all about your wait lists on tests. It's absolutely crazy how long you have to wait for important tests. It adds so much to your frustrations. We're all pullin' for you.


                        Can empathize as others have with you on tests tests and more tests! UGH.

                        I hate to tell you or maybe it helps too I dont know but my dx came with a process of elimination and time...Ive timed out on many of the diseases it looked like (Id of been worse off and or had a diff' set of sxs by now if it was other diseases).

                        sometimes time will tell the tale, its hard but if you have a doc that treats your sxs and doesnt treat you like youre nuts its really okay after awhile.

