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How long should Zanaflex last?

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    How long should Zanaflex last?

    I have had the baclofen pump for over a year. My doctors were increasing the dosage every few months and I thought it was just about right.

    Then this summer I started have quite a time when I laid down, rested in a chair, sat for a while, or tried to sleep at night.

    The pain, cramps, jitters were ( are) awful. I end up getting out of bed to walk around and stretch. I usually end up out in the living room so that I don't keep my husband awake.

    I stretch before bed and my doctor Rxd Zanaflex- 2 tablets- at night. It lasts for about 3 hours at the most then it all starts back up again.

    I have tried extra oral baclofen, and extra neurontin, but I can't get more than a couple hours of sleep. I feel like I am knocking myself out, but then my legs feel like they have run a marathon while I am asleep.

    I think if I could get some rest maybe I could get ahead of this cycle.

    Any suggestion at this point would be extremely appreciated.

    Thank you!

    I am not sure exactly how your legs feel, but I have that jumping leg thing going on and my doc rx'd Ropinerole, which a generic, but it stops that jumping thing - maybe it would work for your problem.


      I think I will call and ask if there is anything else to try. I will ask about the Rx that you mentioned too. Thanks!


        I take Zanaflex (generic is tizanidine) at night and it seems to help overnight, or I suppose about 6 hours. It is prescribed 4 mg three times a day, but it makes me too sleepy to take it except at night. I think it has some residual effect that lasts a little longer than 6 hours, because I usually do not start getting the bad muscle spasms again until afternoon, and they progress until I take the evening dose of Zanaflex.


          I just took my first dose of Zanaflex last night and I had the first night of good sleep in a year. It lasted all night long for me.

          I have had severe pain in the legs and have been awake most nights, some all night long. I could not walk when I got out of bed. I tried stretching, massaging, heating pads and massive doses of Benadryl and Meclizine to knock myself out. That rarely worked if ever and made me more tired the next day.

          I am feeling very relieved this morning that I have something to help me with this now. I just thought I needed to exercise more and it would all go away.

          I hope it keeps working because I am not sure I can live with the leg problem again. It don't do pain well and I really don't function at all without sleep.

          I can't say how long a dose should last but I am hoping that it lasts all night long, just like last night.

          Is this a drug that requires increasing doses to get the relief?

          Thank you

          ~ spy


            Try taking a MAGNESIUM supplement. Start at 400mg and the move up if you need to to around 1200mg.

            I had very bad leg jerks and spasms at night and magnesium completely eliminated them.

            Google "magnesium miracle" for more information on how magnesium plays an important role in muscle contraction and nerve transmission. Most people are deficient in magnesium.

