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Calling all limbolanders-limbo check in 8/31/2010

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    Calling all limbolanders-limbo check in 8/31/2010

    Good morning limbo island! It's time to limbo! The sun is shining and the water is great. If you are undiagnosed then this is the place for you. Come and tell us your story.

    I hope the week has been good and everyone is feeling better. How are you doing/feeling this week?

    Are there any doctors apt coming up? Any test this week? Any doctors or nurses that need to swim with the sharks? Remember the middle of the island is the place to scream if you are at the end of your rope. Remember that you never sream alone. Don't forget the punching bags. It is a good way to relive stress.

    In island news - I don't think there is any island news this week.

    Well grab a cabana boy or girl and order something to eat and drink. Grab a hammock and tell us how you are doing. The island is waiting.

    Well i am off to nap in my hammock. (((((hugs))))) to all.

    Here I Go

    Hi all,

    Well tomorrow I will brave the Philly traffic and have my first appointment at the Univerisity of Penn Hospital. I have all my records, my journal, and my films. It is just my prayer that God would reveal the cause of my sx's and help for those that really plague me to this doctor. I know that won't happen this appointment because I have learned it all takes time, but hopefully he will ask the right questions.

    I am fearful that I will wake-up and for the first time in months my eye will be back to normal. That is the one observable symptom they can see... Although my tremor, stiffness and nerve pain has been better they are still there, so hopefully ... And I can't believe I am saying this but they will be more noticable for him. I am glad that things are settling down, but I have had this happen before and then boom...

    I'll keep you posted.


      Good afternoon minivanmama and dytt7,
      I hope you are doing well.

      Dy- I wish you luck at your appointment and I hope you are able to find some answers. I worry about the same things when I have an appointment. Is my body gonna make the doctor believe me today? I know what you mean about having to brave the traffic. I have to travel about an hour to UMASS Medical Center in Worcester to see my specialist. Worcester is a big city about 45 min from Boston, so there is always traffic.

      I had my EVP test yesterday. And all I can say is ouch! My hands re-acted normally, but my feet were a different story. My right foot didn't move very much at all and for some reason the tech had to test my left foot 3 times. I don't know what it all means. I was afraid to ask, but I'm hoping the doctor's office will call me soon. I'm also still waiting for the results of my CAT scan last week for the sarcoidosis.
      The weather here has been rough this week. 95 degrees and climbing. I was able to get to the gym today and do the Cyntergy (Yoga and Pilates), which really helped my sore muscles, but its been tough.

      Well thats all for me. have a good week everyone.


        Hi all I have to go to the urologist app tomorrow. I have some idea of the testing he will want to do and not looking forward to at all.
        I have been feeling pretty wonky and dizzy lately. Feeling like jello. I am pretty feeble right now. I am aslo exhausted from looking after my sisters two dogs one is a 1 year old pug really cute but is a hand full its about the same as looking after a 2 year old but at least it's house trained. lol. It's taken me nearly a week to recover.
        My walking and balance is just horrible right now and feel like the floor is rushing towards me sometimes. I thought was having a bladder infection went in they gave me antibiotics but i am still the same.
        I can't keep a thought or remember anything my brain fog is just mush right now. What ever this is totally sucks and don't want to deal with it any more. As I know most of us do. I just would like to feel normal again.
        I was glad I had my neice with me she was a great help carying stuff up and down stairs and fetching stuff for me. I hate having to ask her all the time but she is great assistance to me unfoutunaly she goes back to school next week.
        It took me an hour just to get up, shower, and dressed make bed and put some laundry in and have breakfast all sitting down in between.
        I get up do something sit down do something. Mostly all sitting down if i can. What I do now is imagine I am well and have no trouble and get these things done and not have to sit all the time. I hope that day will come. I just wan't to be normal again. sorry if that is too depressing. But it's just been soooo long since I felt normal.
        Not dx yet, had symptoms now for 4 years. First Neuro App was August 5,10.MRI DEC 8,2010 Finally done. Original MRI was for July 4,2011


          (that was took more than 3 hours to get ready this morning) lol brain fog at work here. I wish it did just take an hour...
          Not dx yet, had symptoms now for 4 years. First Neuro App was August 5,10.MRI DEC 8,2010 Finally done. Original MRI was for July 4,2011


            dyt777 - Good to see you. I am praying that your apt goes well. I hope you can get on the road to finding answrs.

            I also have to travel a hour to see my ms specilist. I hope the traffic is not bad. I can see that you are ready for your apt. I don't think it is bad to want your sx to be bad when you see the doctor. You are looking for answers and the doctor is looking for sx.

            I will be praying and let us know how things went when you can. lots of ((((((hugs))))))

            jsoxfan618 - Good to see you. I am glad that you EVP is over. I can understand the ouch. I hope that the side effects will get better soon.

            I hope you can get your results soon and that you also hear about your CT scan. I am glad that you got to the gym today. That is great news.

            I hope your temps get better. I know how bad the heat can be. Be careful in the heat. Let us know when you get your results. (((((hugs)))))

            zuzu20 - Good to see you. I am praying that your apt goes well. I hope the doctor can help you and give you some answrs as to what is going on. Haveing bladder problems is the pits. I can understand what you are going through.

            I am glad that you have some help. I know you will miss her when she goes back to school. It is ok to sit to do things. I know the feeling of whating to feel normal and it is ok to want to feel that. I think that is normal when you are feeling so bad.

            I hope your sx improve soon and can feel good again. It is ok to talk about it hear. We all know how it feels and can understand. You can post anytime we are here for you good or bad.

            I can understand cog fog and i know that can be the pits. I hope your balance gets better and that the cog fog will get better soon. Lots of ((((((hugs))))) and post anytime you need to.

            I have had 3 good days. I am not holding by breath but i hope this flair is over. We will see. My balance is off but that is not new. Yesterday was my anniversary and my DH and i have been married for 13 years. I was so off balance that i just would tell my DH that i was doing my own dance.

            Well good night limbo island and sweet dreams. (((((HUGS))))) to all.


              thanks for that I know wanting to feel normal again is something we all want.
              Happy anniversary, my sis just celebrated her 25 and yes I will miss my niece helping me. I wish i could bottle up all that 12 year old energy she has and keep it with me. I find now I am sleeping more these days and shaking is bad don't know if it's a flare or not.

              Glad you had three good days I used to have those but it's been awhile.

              I am pushing really hard to get a MRI on the Main Land the wait list is just ridiculous I want to go to UBC in Vancouver MS clinic and I am prepared to travel and stay thank fully I have an aunt there it's a bit of a trip for us but I would go tomorrow if I could get an MRI. I am willing to put in the miles. We even said we'd go to Alberta and have treatments there because of the wait list. What ever it takes, would even be interested and have that Doppler (i think that's the name) test for ccsvi in Seattle. But things are moving so slowly here.
              Not dx yet, had symptoms now for 4 years. First Neuro App was August 5,10.MRI DEC 8,2010 Finally done. Original MRI was for July 4,2011


                Getting less and less sleep lately and don't know why. My body and mind want to fall asleep, but just don't. I'm very frustrated.


                  zuzu20 - I am sorry that you are haveing to wait so long. I know that getting your test are waring on you. I think that if you could get a MRI sooner i agree that you should travel.

                  I hope you can get in soon. Just know that we are here cherring you on every step of the way. Just know you can always post and vent anytime.

                  Thank you for the happy anniversary. I wish i had my kids energy. I hope that it is not a new flair. I hope that it will pass soon and you can get to feeling better.

                  Lots of (((((hugs)))))

                  Jsoxfan618 - I did read your other therad. I hope you can get some sleep soon. (((((hugs)))))

                  Have a good day limbo island. (((((hugs))))) to all.


                    I hope everyone on limbo island is getting some sleep. I hope this weekend everyone can get some rest and a good night sleep.

                    Have a good weekend limbo island. lots of ((((((hugs)))))) to all. Sweet dreams to everyone this weekend.


                      very tired.

                      hi guys yeah pretty tired theses days, don't know if its routine out of order or what. different weather I've gone from not sleeping to sleeping all day again. weird. I guess its different routine. I don't do well with change. Fall is coming I can feel it in the air. It's chilly in the morning now. I am actually glad for the extra sleep the last few weeks I hardly got any and I got a cold from it. bleh. oh well. take care see ya next week.
                      Not dx yet, had symptoms now for 4 years. First Neuro App was August 5,10.MRI DEC 8,2010 Finally done. Original MRI was for July 4,2011


                        I hope the weekend was good for everyone.

                        Zuzu20 - I hope you are feeling better soon. (((((hugs)))))

                        It has been a long weekend with my SX. I wish they would take a flying lep off a long clif.

                        (((((HUGS))))) to all. I will start the new thread in the morning.


                          I want my money back!!! Lol

                          Hi everyone, Mama I hope you're feeling better soon. I am in MS Limboland and I want a refund!!!

                          Am in a world of pain today, barely able to function. It is unfair!! I have been on this ride since Xmas, but in hindsight, MS has been creeping up on me for a couple of years. I just want a Dx so I can get the right meds, and find some improvement, a place away from the pain, just for a few hours. Let my family see their mum is in there somewhere, see my smile behind my pain.

                          The pain just wears me away. Today, another medical condition has just upped the ante. Am over it!

                          It is so helpful to visit this site and know I am not crazy, or depressed, and that how I feel is 'normal' in this MS world.

                          I am getttin closer to Dx. I only have an EVP to go, LP was clear, MRI's were bad, bad, bad. EVP is October, Neuro in November. The end is in sight but it seems so far, far away. Anyhow, chin-up, thanks for givin' me a place to vent!!

                          Cheers .... Rohain
                          "That what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger" in limbo since July 10.

