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6 days of prednisone, not sure it has worked

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    6 days of prednisone, not sure it has worked

    I wrote a few days ago that I thought the steroids were working because my dizziness went away almost immediately but that did not last.

    This a.m. it is nearly as bad and my legs are weak.

    Have that stupd (jujjing feeling) inside my body along with the "drunken sailor"....NICE!!!

    So love this......gonna wait it out to see if they have worked (how long, I don't know) if they don't...I get to go back in the hospital.

    Last time we talked he said he might repeat the LP if I can't stay in remission.

    I myself have not yet experienced the "joys" of prednisone, but I have seen the effects on other people close to me! And sometimes the side effects can be worse that the symptoms for a bit! Hang in there! And keep an open dialogue with your doc! It's there job to find the right treatment for you, and to weigh the risks and benefits!

    Keep your head up and know that you can post here till your hearts content we will listen!



      wobbler (cute name), Are you on any of those new drugs?
      Just asking 'cause you were dx so recently.

      My right side was always the weaker so when I was rr my
      right leg would just give out; went to the MGH, was on
      steroids for 1 wk and voila, was back on my feet.

      I found out later that long term use of steroids causes
      bone thinning.
      I'd do some research on steroids, but it doesn't sound like
      you've been on them long enough to worry about it.
      See what the doc says.
      Best of luck, hugs, angel


        Not sure what your dose is, but when I was on steroids (two times) I did three days of IV steroids -- 1,000 mg per baggie. Then the 5-day taper with pills was only something like 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 mg.

        So the big doses that really helped were the IV 1,000 mg doses, not really those pills (imho). I couldn't image taking enough pills to get 1,000 mg (that would be like 100 pills).

        You should talk to your doc about this, though, right away.
        Diagnosed October 2008 with Relapse Remitting MS (RRMS).


          I did the three days of solumedrol back in may and then 50 days of prednisone...yes, 50. I got six weeks remission and now again, I am in relapse...can you imagine?

          So, instead of going straight into the hospital, I wanted to try to do it with pills, not sure it is working. My body feels better today but my head is in a fog and still has that weird buzzing feeling and dizziness.

          Want to wait a few days to see if it is from the steroids.

          I was able to work today, (though if I did not work at my church and held a regular job, I am sure I would have been let go some time ago).

          It has been nearly a year (this time) and I am wanting to stay in remission, is that too much to ask? LOL!!!


            I did not notice anything both times until the 2nd week. Just be patient it can take time to notice anything!
            Dx: 08/09

            Copaxone: 09/09

