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MS hug or heart attack?

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    MS hug or heart attack?

    hi~ Hi know there was another thread of MS hug. I have been experiencing this even though I am not dx yet.

    When I first had this pain I thought it was a heart attack. I have had blood pressure check and everything checks out fine.

    But this is crushing chest pain across the rib cage. IBP sometimes helps as well as walking it out. But I always wonder if this is a heart attack.

    It's so scary I will often wake up with it in the early hours I had it three times this summer already. I had one painful one last night it's horrible to wake up too.

    The first bout that came on was several years ago. I was taken to the hospital and they told me it was just gas. I was really up set that's what they said it was just gas. If I was in that much pain rolling on the floor it wasn't.

    I felt humiliated I know the difference and this wasn't gas (sorry TMI) I won't know if its MS until i have my first MRI which is for next July unfortunately. But how do you know if it isn't a heart or it's a MS hug

    ( I wish they change the name.)
    Not dx yet, had symptoms now for 4 years. First Neuro App was August 5,10.MRI DEC 8,2010 Finally done. Original MRI was for July 4,2011

    First off why is your mri so far away?

    My thoughts on the chest pain is when in doubt have it checked out.

    And yes gas can cause severe chest pain. A few months ago I went to the ER with severe lower abdominal pain. I thought my appendix had rutured. After they ruled out my appx. they gave a GI cocktail (bunch of stomach meds mixed together) the trapped air moved up to my chest.

    I could not breath, had crushing chest pain. I hit the panic button and they came running in with the ekg machine and crash cart. The ekg was fine and not to long after that air started to come out both ends I vomited and the pain was gone. Sorry so vivid.
    "Therefore we do not give up, but even if the man we are outside is wasting away, certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day." 2 Cor. 4:16


      lol not to worry about TMI (too much information).. here. I have had gone to hospital last year for this, and everything checked out fine my heart that is. its just so frustrating.

      as for the MRI its the norm here they are trying hard to get the wait list down. I was lucky the wait is normal is 18 months. I am on the island and we only have a few machines. I considered going to Vancouver but only if I get worse. I was lucky to get one they are working hard to try and get shorter wait list but its just a wait and see at this point. I also have collitist (sp) so I do know the difference. This is more of a bone crushing feeling and not gas.

      It aslo feels like it could be food poison as well. That was my first thought but everyone else was fine. We had all the same food.
      Not dx yet, had symptoms now for 4 years. First Neuro App was August 5,10.MRI DEC 8,2010 Finally done. Original MRI was for July 4,2011


        Once you get a firm dx, they'll be able to try rxs. Gabapentin has performed minor miracles for me. In the meantime, try either a heating pad or ice packs. Some respond to one and not the other. If you feel a difference, you know it's not your heart. Also, if you can feel a difference from an OTC pain reliever or walking it off, it's likely not a heart attack.

        But as earnellzwifey said, when in doubt- check it out!
        Don't feel foolish about going to the ER when this happens. The heart in nothing to fool around with and it really is the smart thing to do.

        I had a mild heart attack (mild? HA! It didn't cause any real damage, only way it was "mild") and I can tell you it feels different, though unless you've had a heart attack, you can't compare the two. The pain of the MS Grip of Death is significant but did feel different from the heart attack. The heart attack felt deeper, for lack of a better word. It was more centrally located,too. Breathing was difficult,I was nauseous and my jaw and neck hurt.

        Other than that pain, do you have any other sx when it happens? Pain in the arm , back, stomach or along the jaw? Sweating, clamminess? Irregular heartbeat or changes in breathing? Does the pain go around your torso or just in one area? Here's more info on heart attack sx from the American Heart Association :


          Just another thought have you had your thyroid levels checked. I have grave's disease (hyperthyoidism) and it causes rapid heart rate.

          I have had it for atleast 15 years but they did not put on meds for my HR till about 6 years ago and the last year finally something to control my thyroid (until they destroy it).

          Anyway when my HR gets in 140 or higher range my chest really starts to hurt. I know in the past 6 years I went to ER for chest pain atleast 15 to 20 times. They usually see a irregular rythm (SP?) and the rapid beating but never a heart attack (thankfully).

          All that to say this your thyroid can cause heart problems that can cause chest pain also. Maybe google hyperthyroid also and see if you have any of the other symptoms.
          "Therefore we do not give up, but even if the man we are outside is wasting away, certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day." 2 Cor. 4:16


            The MS "hug" is a terrifying symptom. I had it too when I was first diagnosed. Did steroids, and it went away.

