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Calling all limbolanders-limbo check in 8/17/2010

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    blowfish - Welcome to the island. I am glad that you found us. I know it is a good feeling to know that there are other to talk to.

    I hope you get to feeling better and that your apt on Tuesday goes well. I will be thinking of you. You have been through a lot of test and i hope that you get some answers. I am sure that it must have shocked you to find the 11 lesions on the MRI.

    I hope that you let us know how your appt went. We are here for you good or bad. Just post any time you need to. I know it can be hard to wait for appts when you don't know what will happen.

    Enjoy the island and keep on posting.(((((hugs)))))

    lily09 - Good to see you. I know the waiting is hard to do. I hope you appt goes well. Let us know when you can how your apt went. I will be thinking about you.

    I know the feeling of the bugs and the hair. That feeling can drive you crazy. I take neurontin to help with that feeling and it has really helped. I am sorry that you are have this problem. I hope that it goes away soon.

    I can also understand the word game. I have that problem also and it can really drive you crazy when the word just won't come out. I hope that it will get better soon.

    It is ok to tell us what is going on. It does feel good to know that we all understand how you are feeling and what is going on. Enjoy your weekend and post when you need to. I know waiting is not fun and can be hard to do.

    jsoxfan618 - Bless your heart. What a week. I know you are anxious about Tuesday. Just post when you need to. I know waiting for apt can be hard to do.

    I hope Tuesday goes well and let us know how it goes when you can. Just take a deep breath and know that we are here for you. I will be think and praying for you on Tuesday.

    I hope the sarcoidosis is gone. Tuesday is going to be a busy day for you. I hope that your sx will get better soon and that your weekend will be better. Just post when you need to. We all know about how anxious it can be when it comes to appts.

    Take a deep breath and do something fun this weekend with your family. (((((hugs)))))

    mommy 2 three - Welcome to the island. I am glad that you found us. I am sorry that you are looking for answers. The 13th is not far away and will be here before you know it. So just take a deep breath and enjoy the island.

    I am also the mom of three and know how hard it can be when you are feeling bad and in pain. I hope that your pain will get better soon. I have leg pain and weakness also and so i can understand what you are going through.

    I know that must have been hard to be pregnant and get the CIS diagnosis. I hope your neuro will keep working with you and that he can give you some help on how to deal with your leg pain and weakness.

    I can also understand the word problem. I have the same problem. I hope that it will get better soon. I know it can make your worry. It could be that you don't remember and i can understand that. I have that problem also so you are not alone.

    I know you are worried about your appt. Just post anytime you need to. Don't worry if it is long. That is what the island is for. Post anytime you need to we are here for you good times and bad times. We all know the dread of up coming appts.

    Enjoy the island and the sun. Take a deep breath and love on that little baby. (((((HUGS)))))

    Well i am off to start the weekend. Have a good weekend limbo island. I hope it is good for everyone and that everyone is feeling better soon. (((((hugs)))))


      Glad to be here

      I have a few people suggest that I come here, so here I am. Minivanmama, (did I get that right?) thank you so much for what you do. You are a true source of strength to so many people. I see that you have had a particularly hard week and yet you are still here cheer-leading all of us! Thank you!

      I have a doc appt. on Monday with a GP. I've done the whole doctor merry go round about 5 years ago with no results, so here I go again. Just somewhere to start. Maybe I will go to a Neuro but maybe not. I can't afford an MRI so I don't see the point. Just want to see if this doc on Monday (my kids pediatrician but a family doc) will even mention possible MS. Just for my own validation I guess. I am somewhat anxious about it because I am afraid of being brushed off again like a pain drug seeker or sent on some wild rabbit trail again! It will probably be my only doc appt. Then I will still be on my own.

      I'll let you know how it goes........


        Hi all

        Got most of my test results back on Friday. Basically everything was normal. So in about 2 1/2 weeks go back to follow up. Probably a nerve conduction test...and then? Said would send me to a neuro after this. So....we will see after that.

        Hope everyone is doing well! Have a good rest of the weekend


          Thanks Minnivanmamma,
          Physically i'm still feeling it, but I have been doing fun things this weekend (so far). We took a family trip to the beach in Gloucester today. Weather was nice and the water was cool. It was nice to be on a "real" beach and not having to imagine II was there Lol. It seems to me that the Seagulls are getting smarter these days. We witnessed one swoop down and nab someone's un-opened bag of "Goldfish" crackers. Then tear it open with his beak and share it with his friends. It was as if the bird recognized the package and new what was in it.

          Tomorrow the fun continues. My sister had two tickets to the Red Sox game and decided she couldn't go. So instead she offered them to myself and my son. We're hoping it doesn't rain, but its not looking good. So things seem to be falling into place after all this week. Lets just hope things go well on Tues.


            Greetings all,

            Just thought I'd stick my head in and say hello. Welcome to all the new Limbo Island residents. I'm glad you've joined us, but sorry you have to be here, given the circumstances.

            As always, no doctor's appointments for me, no tests, no procedures, nada, nothing. I thought I was going to have to see my PCP after having some severe knee pain a few days ago (and the horrible back pain a few weeks ago), but the pain is gone now, so I can stand-down from red alert.

            And as always, lots of weird symptoms lately, especially spasticity, joint pain, and one that is really worrying me - a very blurry right eye. I can barely see out of it, even with my glasses. It feels like there's a film over it. I'm not sure if it's from the posterior vitreous detachment, or the cloud of floaters from the above mentioned condition, or what, but if it doesn't clear up in the next day or two, I may go ahead and make an appointment with my eye doctor. (I don't think it's related to my neurological stuff though.)

            So, that's it for me. I hope everyone has a great week, and that you all find answers soon. And in spite of what your symptoms might be and how horrible you might be feeling, don't forget to enjoy your life and make each moment count.

            Big hugs,

            Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
            Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
            Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!



              Hi again everyone. Just wanted to vent! Having a tough day here. Got a phone call from my Specialist whom I'm supposed to see tomorrow. She was wondering why she could not find the results from the CAT scan that she had ordered and questioned if I had got it done. She then asked, "Since you haven't called about any new symptoms since your last visit and you didn't get your CAT scan done, do you want to keep tomorrow's appointment?" Now if she had looked at my chart she would have remembered that she ordered the CAT scan for the same day as my appointment with her. I reminded her of that and told her yes I do need to keep the appointment because some new symptoms have been coming up. What I really wanted to say was, "DUH" Did you check the chart to see when you ordered my CAT scan?! Am I to call your office every time something new happens or changes?

              If that were the case then they would be telling me not to call anymore. I mean, I try not to call the doc unless I absolutely have to. I've had new symptoms, but nothing that has incapacitated me or sent me to the ER.
              Now don't get me wrong. I really like my MS specialist. She has been really helpful. I just hate it when docs are like that. I hope tomorrow's appointment yields better results.


                Hi limboisland. Sorry i have been away for so long. My "baby" has been sick. On sat he was running a 103 temp. We went to the doctor and he said it is just a virus and it will have to run is corse. He is feeling better and has been running at 100 so things are looking better.

                Jphillips - Welcome to the island. I am glad that you stoped in. Thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot to me. I am sorry that you are still looking for answers.

                I hope your GP apt went well. I am glad that you are looking for answers again. I know that must have been a hard step to take. I hope your doctor did take the time to help you and not brush you off.

                I hope to hear from you soon. Just know that we are here for you good times and bad. Just keep posting and enjoy the island. (((((HUGS)))))

                hart30 - I am sorry that the test so for have not given you any answers. I hope at your fallow up you will get sent to the neuro who can help you get you on the road to finding answers.

                jsoxfan618 - I am glad that your faimly had a good beach trip. I glad that it was a cool day. I hope your red sox game was good and that it did not rain. I have to say the seagulls are smart. Wow what a story.

                Don't you just want to scream. I don't get some doctors. I would have to vent also. I hope your CAT scan goes well and that you get some good news.

                I will be think of you and praying for you. (((((hugs))))) I am glad that you got to the real beach and not one that was imagined.(lol)

                Shashi Good to see you. I am glad that your pain is better. I know it still has your worried. I have noticed that my right knee has been hurting. That is the leg that my spasticity is really bad in. I wonder if there is a connetion?

                I hope your eye gets better. I am with you that if it does not go away then go see the doctor. I hope that you get to feeling better soon.

                Let us know how your eye is and what you had to do. Keep posting so we know how you are doing.(((((hugs)))))

                Good night limbo island and sweet dreams. I will start the new thread in the morning. (((((hugs))))) To all.

