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    Has anyone adopted a child, domestic or International?
    (after their MS diagnosis)

    Just curious, I noticed that Russia is the only country that specifically lists MS on the list of diseases that if a prospective adoptive parent has it, then they cannot adopt.
    They also have Diabetes, Lupus & depression on the list.

    We have one daughter from China that we adopted before I was diagnosed. The one thing that may keep you from adopting is not necessarily the MS its self it is some of the meds you may take primarily the antidepressants many people are perscribed.

    We are currently going through the licensing process to become foster parents and hope to adopt through the state. It will be a long, possibly painful road if a child is sent back home but knowing we made a difference in a child's life will help that. If you are willing to put your heart on the line Foster Care maybe an option for you.


      You won't find the same restrictions in the US, but private agencies will have more restrictions. Foster-adopt would be the way to go. If you already have a child/ren, social workers will work with you pretty much no matter what your dx, if you can show you are a good parent, meeting the needs of your child/ren despite your illness

      I've adopted 3 children. Foster/adopt in CA. We work with an agency that only places children for adoption, not just foster placement. I was diagnosed with diabetes before our 2nd adoption. I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis during the adoption process of our last baby. We're considering adopting a 4th. We have one bio child too, our oldest.

      There are so many kids out there that need a forever family. If you're interested in adoption, then call around, get info. Don't let your disease stop you. If you're able to be a good parent, then please do so.


        Do you think...

        ...a single woman on (private) disability would be allowed to foster/adopt? I know the stars do it, but I don't know if I would qualify...


          I am pretty sure the states would do it, not sure about other countries.

          In the states the foster welfare system is rather burdened so they look for homes with well meaning people not if they have a have illness. MS doesn't count as an illness that causes illness so would be clear in the states. Just keep in mind depending on the age of the kid you adopt they may be a handful especially from the u.s system trust me I was when I got adopted. Best of luck to you.


            Thank you for the replies!

            We are doing some research and going to make a few calls. We do have a 4 year old son, and I have no problems taking care of him.

            Hopefully showing them that we are capable of taking care of children and can provide a loving home will be enough to adopt without the MS diagnosis getting in the way.

            Thanks again!


              Yes- Single women CAN adopt...

              I did it 4 years ago - prior to my diagnosis (US Adoption). BUT, I do not think that your disability will prohibit you. When they take you through the approval process, they ask all kinds of health questions to determine if you could take care of a child- but unless you are terminal or completely unable to care for a child...I think you should be ok. Good luck to you....adoption is such a gift and I am sure a child would be blessed to become a part of your family.

