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Colonoscopy Done

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    Colonoscopy Done

    I didn't get cleaned out good enough because I couldn't finish the prep solution all the way. The GI doc said it's okay because if there is colitis, they'll find it anyways.

    The colon looked fine but they could've missed small or flat lesions due to me being not cleaned out good enough. She took about 6 biopsies to send to the lab.

    So she doesn't know what's wrong with me. If there is nothing there, then what could be causing that type of pain?

    For anyone out there who hasn't gotten the procedure done, I advise against the prep solution. Ask your GI doc for over the counter Miralax and the laxative pills they give you to take before and after drinking. The Miralax from what I heard from a lady in the waiting room this morning is tasteless.

    I have an extremely strong stomach. It didn't matter if the solution was chilled, warm, flavored, or whether I sucked on lime wedges. I was nauseated SO badly that I couldn't finish it and almost vomited a few times.

    Anyways, so that was it. I don't know what else has been causing my problems...

    Glad the test is done for you, although you didn't get your questions answered as to what is going on. Are you having a follow-up appointment to discuss this?


      The biopsies should reveal whether you have Crohn's Disease or not.

      You may need further testing, such as small bowel imaging, which takes a look at the part of the small intestine that can't be seen by colonoscopy. My husband still has to get that done.

      Did the GI doc give you any dietary suggestions?

      Sorry you don't have any answers yet as to what may be causing your symptoms; it may take some time to figure out what's going on.


        Originally posted by Justsayyes View Post
        Glad the test is done for you, although you didn't get your questions answered as to what is going on. Are you having a follow-up appointment to discuss this?
        No because I lost my job and can not pay for a follow up appointment. I'm going to apply for unemployment as soon as next week, get food stamps and apply for Primary adult care here in Maryland. I'm not going to just give up because I had one misfortune....I'm more depressed now than before but oh well I guess...


          Nope. No dietary suggestions. I didn't even get to see her after the procedure. She did the procedure.

          Though my health insurance is cut off as of tomorrow, I'm going to call her office and see if she can just give me some diet suggestions until I get to the next doctor...


            Getting results of your test may be included in the cost of the test itself. I'd call the office, explain your situation and ask. I can't imagine that you would not have a follow-up conversation at least to review the test results. If you can't afford an appointment, at least ask to get copies of your test results to have on hand for the future. Sorry this is so tough for you! I realize it is a very difficult time.....


              Thanks, I will call the office and see what I can find out. I'm pretty sure it will be awhile though. The paper said it can take up to 2 weeks to get results back.


                Gee, I had the results written on my discharge papers when I left recovery with recommendations.

                Let me know k?

                I believe in miracles~!
                2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
                Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


                  My gastro guy wouldn't let me use the Mirilax so I got stuck with the big old jug. It took me 5 days to get the results of all my biopsy's and they didn't show anything more than what he had told me right after the colonscopy.

                  I finally called back again a week later and told them that I was still in pain, they prescribed Librax. It has helped a lot. Before that I was always cramped, running to the bathroom and plain out felt horrible. On top of the inflammation, ulcers and divert. I have IBS and that can cause a lot of pain.

                  So, hang in there, if you find you have IBS, it's takes a while to get straightened out once you have your system all upset.
                  Also just write down what you eat and see if certain things affect your colon. I gave up calling and trying to get answers, so I just read quite a few books, researched what I had and went from there in trying to find out what works and what doesn't.
                  Don't let any dr not take the time to help you with your pain, I mean seriously when I had my colonscopy, I had to call back a week later because of the pain and was asked "Are you having problems?" I was like, yeah, that's why I had the colonscopy! You didn't tell me what to do about it or give me anything! I got kind of ticked enough to where they pulled my charts, the dr read them over again and the office called me back later that day with a prescription.

                  I just refuse to put up with drs anymore who blow me off, had they not years ago, I probably would have had the MS diagnosis a lot sooner, instead of being told I was just a hypochondriac.

                  Take care, hope you find your answer and relief soon!


                    Correction: I did not have any biopsies so that is why I could get my Diagnosis immediately on my DC papers day of colonoscopy.

                    Again like Brenda said, you must remind docs/nurses of who you are..with what problem and what you've tried that is not working.

                    Healing your insides takes a lot of patience and no cheating or "you'll pay later."

                    Good luck with results

                    I believe in miracles~!
                    2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
                    Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10

