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Yoga suggestions?

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    Yoga suggestions?

    I had a pretty severe episode a few months ago and have become rather immobile. I try to stretch every day, but would really like to start yoga but at not sure where to begin.

    I would like a good DVD to get me started before I will feel comfortable going to any classes. I have troubles walking, stiffness and some balance issues.

    I have read a lot on the benefits, and I'm trying to keep moving, so I figured this would be a good place to ask for some recommendations!!

    I got a DVD from the drug company. Even though it is not ideal, it is a good start.

    I could not do a lot at first. So I just did some modified stretching to limber up a little.

    Then I started with the Wii. I don't do half of what they do on there but I try and it helps.

    I don't know if you are on one of the CRABs or not but I think all of them offer some kind of yoga DVD.


      Free YOGA DVD !!!

      Hi, I am getting ready to start a program called yoga tune up by Jill Miller. You can search for it on the web.

      It is a program that you subscribe to. Each month they send you a dvd that progresses at a gentle rate I have been told. I ordered the first set of six dvd's hoping that it will be something I stick to. You take a fitness kind of test and they evaluate your ability on their web page and place you accordingly. There have been positive reviews of the program in the videofitness .com

      Jill Miller has another quick fix program she sells on her website that focuses on specific areas like your neck or shoulders, etc. It seemed like each section was short maybe 5 to 10 min. So it seemed doable.

      I haven't tried it yet as I haven't had the strength yet to get up off of the floor as I am in a flair and have severe anemia and iron deficency. The doc says I am close to getting a transfusion.

      You can get a free Yoga DVD for MS patients made by Baron Baptiste and Dr. Elliot Frohman from Biogen. It has three sections. Slow and Simple yoga foundations. Yoga Transformations Gaining strength and Confidence. Yoga restorations relaxing and refreshing poses. The DVD is called MYMSYOGA .com just type in a search and it will come up.

      I did the first section and it was simple yet hard at the same time due to my balance issues. The second part I did part of it and had to stop as I was not strong enough yet.

      You can also get a free no-spill water bottle that fits just right in my weak hands from someone else. I have to look up the website.


        After several attempts - classes, tapes, I even hired a yoga instructor to give me specific exercises (all he did was show me how many ways he could tie himself up in a pretzel. Impressed I was NOT). I found a wonderful yoga book in a half price book store called "Yoga for Every Body". It is publikshed by readers digest.

        Great book with wonderful photos. Even stretches that me - the almost 50, over weight woman with MS can do.

        Hope you can find because it is worth it.



          Just a quick one,
          (if you have cable tv) a lot of Cable companies (i.e Comcast) offer yoga as part of their On-Demand programing. You may want to check it out there.


            Take a look at the Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Foundation's video series, "Yes,You Can!". They are a good place to start. They are made by PwMS for PwMS and all of the people in the video (except the instructors, I believe) have MS.

            The basic routines show modified versions for different abilities so wheelchair users or those who find getting up from or down onto the floor difficult can do the routines. The DVDs contain the whole series in 2 discs, sold seperately. One has yoga and tai chi, the other has strength/endurance, stretching, pilates and body awareness. Of the 2, I prefer the pilates one. I see more benefit from that than the yoga, but that's me.

            I got both of them from Shared Solutions at no cost, but they can be purchased from MSAF's website.

            I have the disc from Biogen as well. It's not bad, but I'm not in love with it either. However, for free? Grab it and see if you like it.
            The cow calls himself cactus.


              Yoga Tape

              I use a DVD made by Gaiam it's called, "A.M. Yoga for your week with Rodney Yee". It took me a long time to be able to do the routines, but kept with it. Don't be discourage if you can't do it all. You may want to search for a child's yoga tape or a beginners yoga tape. I have to tell you, yoga has helped me in more ways than I can tell you. Good luck


                stay with it

                Lakota, whatever Yoga system you choose, just do what you can now and stay with it. Over time, you will find you can do more and more. I started yoga classes 9 months ago and didn't have the strength to do a downward dog, it took a few months, but now I can do that and more. Yoga has helped with my strength, stamina, and balance, and just plain feeling better. Best to you. Namaste

