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How do you manage the fatigue & cognitive problems??

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    How do you manage the fatigue & cognitive problems??

    I am new to this site and glad I found it. I have been trying to manage my MS before some of you were born. I was diagnosed at the age of 13 and am now 62. I have been blind, unable to walk, deaf and my MRI looks like swiss cheese, however I have miraculously regained my sight, can walk and still work a full-time job. I am one of the lucky ones, but it just seems to get more difficult everyday. I have been on Avonex, Copaxone, and currently just finished my 21st Rx with Tysabri. Fatigue and cognitive ability are the most difficult for me. I have found that acetyl-l-carnitine, alpha lipoic acid and d-ribose have helped and on the awful days, I take Provigil. I also try to do some sort of or pilates everyday. I should also tell you I am a male. What do you do to manage the fatigue and the cognitive impairments associated with MS? If you haven't tried acetyl-l-carnitine, alpha lipoic acid and d-ribose check it out and talk to you Neurologist about Provigil, too.

    Hello ragjwg,

    My only option for fatigue is exercise but sometimes I have no other choice but to give in to the fatigue and be a couch potato.

    I am unable to take any stimulants (Provigil, Nuvigil, ADD medications, Coffee) - stimulants will actually cause fatigue for me

    I have tried acetyl-l-carnitine and alpha lipoic acid - This combination was not helpful for me.

    Cognitive problems have been with me since I was a child. I was diagnosed with ADD as an adult and I have PTSD. These two diagnosis all alone can cause cognitive problems and are believed to be more a problem than my MS.

    Through the years I have learned how to cope and accomplish what I need - I do a darn good job of it too

    Games can help to keep your mind active and an Occupational Therapist (OT) can also be helpful.
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      Here is some information about cognitive function:
      Diagnosed 1984
      “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


        that's wonderful that you can walk, see and work! esp. at 62 and with MS so long! i'm impressed. i had to quit working because of w/c, balance, fatique & cognitive issues.
        wish i had the answer for you. i agree that exercising everyday, even just moderate stretchiing, has helped some with my fatique. that's why we started the Wii & exercise group (basic health forum).
        i'm often a couch potato also, esp in this heat. sometimes you just have to listen to your body and adapt your activities and skills to it.
        praying that you continue to be able what you're doing and that your fatique and cog. issues get better. i know how frustrating that is!
        take care & God bless ya!
        "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


          To be honest, I decided quality of life was more important than quantity of life. I sleep the first half of the day and function pretty darn good the second half. I used to push myself to TRY to function during my lousy morning hours and realized it was futile and none of my day went well. At least I have half a day that is semi-decent.
          Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2004; First sign of trouble: 1994


            I'm with Tawanda on this. With 4 kids, ages 2-12, it's REALLY difficult. My 3 older kids pretty much get themselves ready for school in the mornings, with help from the oldest. 2 year old comes into my bed and cuddles and watches a show or two. I do stretching and light housework in the morning, make breakfast(usually cereal) play and watch Sesame Street with my 2 year old, etc. I try to keep it simple. He goes down for a nap after lunch and so do I. If I don't, then I can't manage the afternoon n

            My kids do most of the everyday cleaning up, even helping me fold laundry. They know that I'll have energy for fun things if they help more. I try to keep things as simple as possible. My kids aren't involved in any after school activities. I can't drive them anyway. They play in our backyard a lot, because that means less toy mess inside.

            Hubby and 12 year old make dinner 1/2 the time. She loves to cook, so it's not an issue. After dinner, baths, etc, I am wiped though. I used to play World of Warcraft most nights with my hubby after the kids went to bed. It was fun, but we usually got roped into group gaming stuff that kept us up too late. Now, I usually crash, while watching old sitcoms I DVR while hubby plays. At least we're in our bedroom together. If I feel better after a nap, we'll sometimes play for a little, or watch a movie. I am very prone to falling asleep during movies though.

            I've just learned that I can't fight the fatigue. I'd rather have a few hours of good quality time with my Kidd or hubby, than a longer time with me exhausted, cranky, and feeling awful. I'm sad to admit that I probably spend 12-14 hours in bed every day: not all sleeping. It sucks, but it's what my body needs right now. Hopefully I'll be able to get on something to help with the fatigue after my next neuro appt.



              AMPYRA! Can help both and lot more, it does not help every one but it does it WOW!


              acetyl-l-carnitine and alpha lipoic acid: these aid in converting food energy to cell energy, one helps production and the other repairs damage do to aging and stuff.

              Zinc: IF you live far from a coast it is more likely you be low, zinc has help me. You can get too much zinc, so before starting you should have a zinc taste test done first.
              Give life meaning, live life by the 9 Noble Virtues.

