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Hey Ladies....

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    Hey Ladies....

    I am having a sensitive problem. I having a constant yeast infection except when I have my period. I have tried over the counter solutions and they do not help. Does anyone else have this issue? I have never had this issue until I started on all the different medications dealing with my MS.....HELP!

    I've never had this with any MS med, but I have gotten yeast infections while on other meds. I've found eating a yogurt with live and active cultures every day helps.


      Corso, you may want to have it checked out if the over-the-counter remedies aren't helping. It may be something like a bacterial infection, but it also might just be nerve-related from the MS if you're not having any actual discharge.

      I will share something that has worked for me in the past. I take a little apple cider vinegar, about a couple of teaspoons, and douche with that. Then, I put honey all over the external areas and sit on the toilet for about 10 minutes and hop in the shower afterward. Usually one treatment is all I need to do.


        Originally posted by QuickType View Post
        It may be something like a bacterial infection, but it also might just be nerve-related from the MS if you're not having any actual discharge.
        That was my thought too, corso.

        QuickType, I understand the use of vinegar but I am but I have never heard about the use of honey. My first thought when I read honey - what a mess...Yikes!
        Diagnosed 1984
        “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


          Thank you, ladies. I will try the suggestions. As far as the bacterial infection, I have had that problem and still the meds didn't help. I will try the yogurt and the vinegar suggestions but what type of yogurt?


            My dd had this problem, turned out it wasn't a yeast infection, it was another kind. Do consider getting it checked further if you don't get some relief with other methods.


              Originally posted by SNOOPY View Post
              That was my thought too, corso.

              QuickType, I understand the use of vinegar but I am but I have never heard about the use of honey. My first thought when I read honey - what a mess...Yikes!
              LOL - yeah, it is kind of a mess. I warm it a little tiny bit so it's on the runny side but not hot, and apply it a little bit at a time.

              I try not to get much inside and I do make sure to clean up really well afterwards because sugar encourages yeast to grow.

