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    I finally got logged on with my BlackBerry. Here's my Question...after 5 long months I am finally going to see a neuro @ Shands hospital in Gainesville Florida. Dr. Moore. All I've been able to glean from the internet is that he is a proffesor there & has 31 years experience in San Diego & Shands. 208 says today with a headache & I'm killing myself with Tylenol & Advil. I'm going there on a charity relief program so if they can't help I don't know what else to do. Can't work. Living @ my dads & my life is taking on a very surreal tone.

    If it doesn't get better...It will at least get different.
    And if it doesn't get better, it will at least get different. Make it an adventure!

    HUGS and WELCOME to MS World. You are not alone, we will get to know you some and show you we care.

    Are you eligible for any other insurance, like T19? Its good at least you got in a charity program. Humbling..isnt it?
    Been there..grateful now.

    Any ques or concerns feel free to come back.

    Sorry this is a scary time and the unknown can kick your behind. WE know. We are all trying to figure out ways to cope and survive. Remember that ok hon?

    Warmly, Jan
    I believe in miracles~!
    2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
    Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


      Watch that Tylenol and Advil. Don't want to get sicker than you are already!

      Perhaps you have a migraine and if you do the Tylenol and/or Advil won't help much. Sounds though like it might be stress.

      Glad to hear you have a place to stay (with Dad). You can worry about that later when you feel better.

      Have you asked the local MS chapter if they have a recommendation for a clinic near you where you can address the headache problem?

      It's very tough to be without resources.

      I've heard that headaches can be a symptom of MS. Stlll, stress can bring them on too.

      Feeling for you and your situation. I think Shands is a 'teaching' hospital so that would be good.

      You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.



        I have just come to realize that I may have been suffering MS symptoms over the last six years. Six years ago, I woke up and had no control over my left arm. Being over the age of 40 and a smoker, I thought I was having a stroke. Went to the er and had an ekg and ct scan. They decided it was a compressed nerve and gave me prednisone. It went away so I blew it off.

        A couple of years later, I found two lumps in my right armpit. They were removed surgically and biopsied, benign with no explanation of why they were swollen.

        The following year, I had what I assumed were menstrual cramps that lasted for three months. A biopsy, ultrasound, and provera. Nothing wrong and no explanation. They went away by themselves.

        Then two years ago, I had what I thought at the time to be a panic attack, from that moment on and for the next six months I had a 24/7 headache. ekg, stress test, mri, sleep study, neuro, nerve conduction all showed nothing. Went to an ENT and he prescribed prednisone. Voila! It went away for the period I was on the pred. Came back immediately. GP (third one by now) gave me tegretol and it went away for ten months. Then my left foot and ankle swelled and was painful. Prednisone again and no explanation.

        January 9th the headache came back and I now have numbness in both legs. balance issues, tremors, tingling and numb in the face. Constant diarrhea (I've lost 30 pounds) ringing ears. I swim daily because that's the only place my body seems to do what I tell it to. I also fall over my words, slur, or the word just won't come out.

        The worst of it is, I had to quit my job that I loved. I was a cake decorator and can no longer count on my energy level or steadiness of hands or legs. That was in March. My then boyfriend dumped me and I have come to live with my Dad, who is seventy. So, I've pretty much lost everything and have no insurance. The clinic that I go to has done ct and mri and need to refer me to a neuro. I have contacted Shans hospital in Gainesville for charity relief status and applied for SSI through a pro bono attorney. Don't know what else to do, I feel like such a burden to everyone. Any thoughts?

        I copied and pasted the post above in May, so it's not just a headache. I've also developed an almost halo effect in my vision...can't tell if it's blurred or double vision but its disconcerting. Floaties in my vision as well. The headache started in January and my symptoms have escalated from there. Thanks for your input and if I can stay logged in on my Blackberry you'll hear more from me. My stepmother stays on the computer most of each day watching fox news and playing mahjong and solitaire...don't ask.
        And if it doesn't get better, it will at least get different. Make it an adventure!


          Hello Dollfinn

          I know just how hard it is living without insurance. But at least for this step you have found help. When you travel the journey, you will find that there are programs that can step up to help.

          Please come back and let us know how you are doing. Fingers crossed that you will continue to have access through your black berry.

