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New..may be looking at an MS diagnosis...(long)

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    New..may be looking at an MS diagnosis...(long)

    Hi everyone!

    Been a year long quest for answers for how I feel. Finally after I passed out and my hubby took me to the ER my doc sent me for an MRI w/o contrast.

    The results showed the supratentorial structures demonstrate scattered small foci of increased t2-weighted signal which are abnormal for the patients age. (I'm 36) Everything else checked out a-ok. Recommended follow-up for possible demyelination or gliosis but foci are non-specific and a repeat MRI at some point to determine if there is any progression.

    They originally diagnosed my passing out as being a vaso-vagal response but now doc is not so sure. We went down through my list of symptoms and he thinks he's starting to see a bigger "picture".

    He put in for a neuro consult which as of now isn't until Dec. In the meantime he ordered a CBC and an Iron level test. Put me on meds for RLS to help me get some sleep. I'm tired.. ughh! and wants to see me every 2 weeks to monitor me while we wait. He's hoping to get the neuro consult moved up since he originally only put syncope & headaches as the main concern.

    My list of symptoms has been vague but on going now for months. I get tingling in the legs - below the knee, in my arms - below the elbow. My left arm has a tendency to get really funky feeling from time to time and feels like it weighs 10 lbs more than the right.

    I get strange feeling in the left side of my face..kind of like its asleep, tingly, stiff..just weird. I dont lose any sensations and I can still move the muscles. Strokes have been ruled out.

    I swear I would forget my head if it wasn't connected most days!!!! I lost my tea cup this morning... set it down to grab a tea bag and then had to look for the cup because I couldn't remember where I set it down.. I do this kind of thing ALL the time! geez. Hubby and I have always joked about it.. lol we always thought I was just ditzy.

    I could go on and on about strange sensations, tripping on flat floors, headaches in my forehead... blah blah blah but I won't.

    What concerns me is MS keeps getting thrown out there as a possibility ..and then the next breath the doc tells me not to worry.. how can I not??? Something is obviously going on and concerns the doc enough to see me so often and his wanting to get the neuro consult sped up worries me. His only recommendation for now is sleep , plenty of water, and to take the RLS meds.

    Guess this turned into more of a rant than trying to seek info..but any advice and/or info is GREATLY appreciated
    "possible MS" waiting on Neuro appt 12/13/10

    Know the feeling

    Not that this is any answers to your problems, but I know EXACTLY how you feel. I went for 7 1/2 years from Dr to Dr, specialist to specialist before I found a Dr. who knew what he was looking at. I have now been "officially" diagnosed for 17 months, but apparently have had it for nearly 9 years.

    It is easier said than done to not worry about it. Hang in there.

    Best of luck to you.



      Sounds like you are in good hands, too bad you have to play the waiting game. We'll all be very interested to see how it all goes for you.

      Perhaps the doc wants to start with every two weeks to be sure he hasn't missed something, or to see if more symptoms present themselves and you can get in sooner to the neuro consult. Good luck!


        Hello Devsmomma

        Welcome to MS World Forums!

        You can come here to share with us anytime. We'll try our best to help you get through all of this.

        It sounds like you have a wonderful doctor who wants to monitor you closely, as well as try to get you an earlier appointment with the neuro. And also he's getting started on some more tests while you wait. He seems to be on the ball

        Your symptoms could be caused by MS, but there are also other conditions with similar neurological symptoms.

        It's not easy to "not worry". But when you think about it, excessive worry doesn't change anything (except the stress may add to your symptoms in a negative way).

        Sometimes the best we can do is focus on putting one foot in front of the other, and do the next thing that needs to be done. I know for me that focusing on something, anything, really helps my anxiety when in a worried state of mind. Whether it's reading something, doing some household chores, light physical activity, etc.

        Come back anytime and let us know how you're doing. We're pulling for you

        Take care,
        PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
        ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~

